well i’ve always done kinda trials stuff though i recently decided to start learning freestyle as well.
but yeh i ride with my mate jason who also lives in Edinburgh and i think there are a few guys in glasgow (i think on this site) but i guess there are others dotted around the place but i wouldnt really say scotland has an abundance of unicyclists.
Unicycling in Scotland sucks, there are no serious riders about, apart from me and it’s very hard to stay motivated. I’ve tried various schemes to get people into unicycling through teaching and demos but it’s incredibly hard.
As for uni’s, yeah Edinburgh is seen as not only one of the best in Scotland but one of the best in England, I know someone who got into Cambridge but turned it down for Edinburgh. St.Andrew’s is also credited as one of the best, Prince William attended, but it’s very small, apparently it’s one of the only cities that you can actually complete the pub crawl in one night and still have time for a chippy! It certainly does not have the energy of Edinburgh.
If anyone else said that they’d get torn to pieces…
Edinburgh does seem very nice from my brief visits there, and it has done well in our surveys (in the pub, in the midlands) of ‘places with the best nearby muni/nightlife/general civilization balance’.
The uni’s even got a research group in a similar area to what I do. Get an Edinburgh unicycling scene going, and I’ll come and join you in a few years…
“torn to pieces” haha! but seriously, I know many people who have turned down their offers from oxbridge and have gone to Edinburgh, purely out of neccesity but I doubt they would have done that if Edinburgh wasn’t at a high standard. Also, if you look through the records many of Britain’s top scientists, writers and politicians have attended Edinburgh University. Increasingly more and more English students are choosing Edinburgh because it’s cheaper and just as good as most institutions down south, can’t argue with that seeing as my city is over run with them!!!
As for unicycling, mate, I’d love to get a scene going, but it’s proving very very hard as there is little interest. Maybe once I’m sponsored I’ll have alittle bit more weight behind me. Maybe I’ll see both of you one day, you’re always welcome to ride with me.
I think the reason he said anyone else would get torn to pieces is because Edinburgh is not in England and Scottish people are usually very contientious about stuff like this and would kill anyone who made the same blunder as you.
There’s a wee moose loose aboot the hoose.
hey guys, well heres annother unicyclist to add to your group, im only 1 hours commute from the capital so im game for meeting up for a cycle sometime, lemme know
I’m in edinburgh for the next week, until june 23 (2015!). Riding some muni in pentland etc., also city rides. Anyone around and interested to ride together?