unicycling has affected my brain

So as I was sitting in my Financial Management class my mind started to wander. Next thing I know, my professor is talking about Muni’s.
Needless to say my ears immediatly perked up. But I figured out later that she was just talking about Municiple Securities and I will admit I was disappointed.

Has this happened to anyone else?
Granted, maybe not in a classroom setting, but anywhere else?
Are there times where you find yourself suddenly wanting to payattention because you hear a word that you associate with unicycling?

oh yea, just so you all know for the rest of the class period I started to giggle everytime she said Muni’s because I found it funny!

then she asked you what was so funny so you told her about unicycling and everyone made fun of you, right
jk, but i think alot of people on here are that way

when people talk about university as UNI this confuses me

its like “im going uni tomarrow”

and i here “im going out on my uni tomarrro”

that would be weird dale_dale

whenever I ride past anyone on my coker I grit my teeth and wait for them to say, “hey look, a one wheeled bike!!” I absolutely know that it is coming, I see some people up ahead and I think to myself, get ready for the comments…
I guess thats kinda similar (:

i do that too james!

oh, another thing I do is I see trials lines everywhere, be it walking around town, or watching TV, or anything…they’re all over, man.

I’m with forrestunifreak (I think it’s in his avatar)…


I get distracted while riding in a car or walking down the street. If there’s some planter boxes, benches, curbs, whatever, I think about how I’d ride them. Then, just before I crash into the car in front of me, I remember I was driving and stop staring at the concrete :slight_smile:

math class is by far the class that lasts the longest. so during class i will find my self either day dreaming about what i can do on a unicycle now but also what i wish i could do …then i look up and realize that i should be paying attention so i can do the homework that will be assigned then i drift back into my dreaming state where i can do any and every thing on a unicycle

I find myself daydreaming about riding during boring lectures. Occasionally I’ll have a dream that involves me unicycling or unicycles. Some of those dreams worry me :frowning:

nothin to worry about, we’ve all had unicycling dreams

Thank god, now the ones I’ve had don’t seem half as weird/crazy/loony as I thought :stuck_out_tongue:

I was riding a Coker in the dream I had two nights ago…I was riding like a pro! Haha, oh dear, oh dear.

Today in English, one of our vocab words was munificient, and I looked at it, and immediately thought muni
Also, whenever I’m in the car or bus or something, I find myself looking for good places to unicycle…I’ll pick out random little trials lines and stuff

I’m getting that too- but far from being annoying, I think I can compare it to the abundance of books that exist in the world and how long it would take to read them all.

when im in class and i think of some places ive seen that would make sweet lines and i start to write down ideas for sweet lines. then my teacher takes my paper and thinmks im writing in code…so silly.

with me cause i uni loads round my busy street i can what peeps are going to say just from how they look
sounds weird but its true