…prove it.
How about posting-threads-in-the-wrong-forum-for-christ ?
(I wonder if on the christian forums they have signatures like “I’m a christian for the sake of all unicycling”?)
I’m not saying you shouldnt aknowledge whatever you care to believe in, as long as you believe in SOMETHING
Unicycling for Christ is like when an athlete dedicates a game to someone (living or dead) or when a musician dedicates a performance to someone or something or like the ”little drummer boy” song or like when some fool dedicates a long run-on sentence to Christ.
You hope He has joy in what you are doing and you are also stating your belief.
,><> run-on sentences for Christ! <><,(I hope He has a chuckle at that one)
* Anonymous is Legion. Anonymous does not forgive. Anonymous does not forget.
* Anonymous is the only page on encyclopedia dramatica that takes itself seriously.
* Anonymous is devoid of humanity, morality, pity, and mercy.
* Anonymous works as one, because none of us are as cruel as all of us.
* Anonymous cannot be harmed, no matter how many Anonymous may fall in battle.
* Anonymous takes all attempts to harm Anonymous seriously.
* Anonymous only undertakes Serious Business.
* Anonymous is everywhere.
* Anonymous is nowhere.
* Anonymous cannot be out-numbered.
* Anonymous is a hydra, constantly moving, constantly changing. Remove one head, and ten replace it.
* Anonymous reinforces its ranks exponentially at need.
* Anonymous has no weakness or flaw.
* Anonymous exploits all weaknesses and flaws.
* Anonymous doesn't have a family or friends.
* Anonymous is your family and friends.
* Anonymous is not your friend.
* Anonymous is not your personal army.
* Anonymous is in control at all times.
* Anonymous does not accept failure, Anonymous delivers.
* Anonymous has no identity.
* Anonymous cannot be betrayed.
* Anonymous are created as equals.
* Anonymous is a choice.
* Anonymous obeys the Code.
We are anonymous. We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.
ya…I think I have something better to do than quoting encyclopedia dramatica right now…bye.
What is wrong with believing in nothing?
umm… cause thats a paradox.
I do it for christ… 'bout 4 times a day. I figure they’ll have to let me in heaven.
i’m not a christian but I dont think theres anything wrong with it…
You guys all sucks.
Off topic bastards and spamers.
You can unicycle for christ by going around on a unicycle like a mormon missionary and handing out pamphlets and preach “the word of god”.
Though I doubt many people do that. I do that, except for atheism (kinda, not really).
- 2 lols
/b/ has been infected with cancer and is somehow living beyond dead.
You’re just a newfag.
nah, newfags are the ones still in /b/.
Here’s a guy with a real question and no one will answer. I hope my earlier response helped if not feel free to PM me.