Unicycling for a cause!

This summer over 30 unicyclists from around the United States, Europe, and Japan
will be unicycling across Minnesota, USA, the long way, for the National
Multiple Sclerosis Society (MS).

The ride will start on the Iowa border and end at the Canadian border, 450
miles later. Unicyclists from the age of 10 to 45 will be making the
journey. This will be the first time this many unicyclists will be going
this type of distance.

Please help support the riders by making a donation to MS. The success of this
event may help other unicycling events that ride for a charity.

For more information about the ride and to make a donation, visit the website at
http://www.skypoint.com/~cotter/ or send me an email and I’ll postal mail you


cotter@skypoint.com Twin City Unicycle Club - President Andy Cotter Unicycling
Society of America - Vice President USA home page http://www.unicycling.org/usa/
Unicycle Across Minnesota http://www.skypoint.com/~cotter/