REDBULL all the way. I’m addictted to those energy drinks. They’re just so damn good and help get you pumped to MUni!
REDBULL all the way. I’m addictted to those energy drinks. They’re just so damn good and help get you pumped to MUni!
So drink Coke and Water… thus meaning you are hydrated and have a nice burst of energy.
milk, custard creams and apples.
That’s got me covered…
Alright… I’m a bit strange about food-thigies but on a longer trip I like to take a few Hy-Pro bars or something like that. Around 30 grams of protein and 50g of carbs… Proteins are important… I don’t want to burn my little muscles away. A protein-carb-shake is also good. Just add water and drink. I also like to eat some slower carbohydrates before a trip so the bloodsugar won’t jump around too much. And I drink just water.
Caffeine or taurine are also nice sometimes. They give you a little extra boost and keep you going a little longer. Well, not exactly needed on normal rides, but if you want to burn fat and your going a little low on energy these will keep you on going.
would i be being paticularly dense if i asked you what the hell you’re talking about?
n00b! C4t80y 0w||z j00!