Unicycling Energy Food!

what’s yours?

mine is a handful of dates and my drink is a nice cold glass of soya milk

Nothing does the trick like Coke.

Bananas are excellent but tend to get reduced to mush when taken on rides; I generally take some but leave them in the car.

Wine gums are excellent for taking on rides! A mini sugar rush every five minutes… :slight_smile:


Avoid soda pop like Coke, Pepsi, that contains caffeine. Caffeine is a diaretic - meaning it will dehydrate you and thus defeat the purpose of drinking. Stick to water, or juice, or maybe a sports drink. If it’s warm weather, add some ice cubes.

If you eat bananas, the mosquitos like you, - something about the banana oil as your body processes it. Stop eating bananas for the summer and the mosquitos will be much less interested.

Given the distinct lack of mosquito-infested swamplands in south west England I don’t think that is an immediate concern… :slight_smile:


I’m a big fan of energy bars like Powerbars or Clif Bars. Don’t know if they’re available in UK though. Also, you just can’t beat peanut butter. A bit messy to take with you but eat a peanut butter sandwich before you go out.

Water. It’s the greatest. I love it.

If you got that problem This is the product for you!:smiley:


banana.bmp (62.5 KB)

It’s a BIG concern here in the USA …
Ever hear of lime disease …?

Lots of the members here seem to trail ride. (IMO)

I think they even attract some flies also…
I got hospitalized due to to many bites when I got back from the Boundary Waters.
(I ate bananas the whole time there. I didnt know any better.)

I woke up to a 106 tempurature and convulsions.

4 days and 7,000 dollars later, they never did find out what I had.

Lyme Disease is transmitted to humans via ticks, not mosqitoes

Power Gels are my favourite energy food, I keep one in my camel back…they are an item I will never just have to snack on, and are a life saver when starting to bonk.

I generally eat before I go, and ride for hours

I’m a big water hog though

That rocks! :smiley:

Unfortunately it won’t fit my European Union Standard Curvature Banana ™. Damn!



Your right … I made a mistake

West Nile Virus and Misquitoes

2004 death totals by state

2003 death totals

Many dont die … they just get lifetime neurological damage

The CDC 2004 numbers for my state of Illinios …

Illinios stats


For extended rides energy bars gels are good but my favorite standby is still Snickers.

dude. That was totally my idea. Every time I come up with a new idea for my multi-million dollar business, I find out that someone else has taken it! GAAH

Hell yah! Water is Teh Sex… There is nothing better than a fatty bottle of Aquafina or Dasani on a hot day. But I like Sunny D too. And bacon.

Teh wat0r is teh sex0r.

id have to say im old school about my power bars. i eat an abba zabba! the origional power bar! i also like goldfish, and trail mix because all of the nuts give me energy

unicycling and food is life for me.and its great!:smiley:

Beer is full of carbs. I also like trail mix, power bars and gels, and clif bars. But nothing beats a cold one.

Theres an Italian energy drink stuff, Enervit G. I like it, not too sweet, and orange how can you go wrong. It also gives a noticable energy boost when your feeling a bit sluggish.
