Today i brought my unicycle to school so i could ride after school at one of the places where our bus driver drops us off at. I got on the bus in the morning and had my unicycle with me. The bus driver didnt say anything, maybe because i put it behind the last seat in the bus i really dont know, and then on the ride home she started telling us (in a voice like you better not bring those things on again) that we cant bring SKATEBOARDS or UNICYCLES on the bus because the rules say so and all of this other crap. Keep in mind though on the way home i had my unicycle sitting with me instead of behind that backseat…stupid communist bus driver… She said the only way we could bring them is if there was a mounting device outside the bus (i guess kinda like how city buses got bike racks) then we could bring them, but its on a school district bus so they probably wouldnt let us install a bike rack and anyways if your on a bus then i wouldnt even want to mount it outside the bus. I asked her if she was being discriminate, but she looked at me like she was gonna get me in trouble or sumthn so i started laughing. So pretty much she outlawed bringing skateboards and unicycles on the bus (As was said before she’s a communist). I think that is an unfair thing because a unicycle isnt a full size thing…it wasnt even in the way.Also skateboards arent in the way either. They are super small. I brought my trials uni so it wasnt even big and everyone liked it anyways…
What do you guys think?
Excuse me, but what does her enforcing the rules that she’s supposed to enforce have to do with her being a communist. I think I’m missing something here.
Shes stupid…thats the point…the last bus driver we had got replaced by her and he didnt care if when i brought my unicycle. He was all cool about it.Im just saying that its a stupid rule that i cant bring my unicycle on the bus…
probably not in the rules
I would be surprised if unicycles were listed in the rules.
They probably arent…i was suprised too when she said unicycles…
rargh, dem damned commies, ugh, kill da reds, da only good commie is one dat’s dead, oog
I find that very weird that they won’t let you bring your unicycle on a bus. Like you said a unicycle is smaller/compact. The way i see it, people with unicycles should be let on public transport. It doesn’t create a distraction. You should try bringing your BMX/MTB on a bus and if they complain, Say “i told you so”
even if there was a mount on the front of the bus it wouldn’t work at least on a public bus because they are designed to hold a bike… at least the ones on the city buses here…
EDIT: call the school district and ask if there is anything in the school bus rules involving unicycles, if there isn’t then you can tell your bus driver to shove it, because she is wrong.
I took my uni to school. My friends mom took us with our unis. For stupid human trick thing. But on the way home we did not have a ride, so we had to take them on the bus. My bus driver made me sit in the front seat so all my friends sat in the front. So all the littler kids had no seats. She got mad at me. I bet she was just jelious.
Yeah there really arent any good stable mounts for unicycles or skateboards on a bus and yes i had to sit up front with mine one time when i had the cool bus driver…and yes she is jealous cause she cant ride one and we can!!
I think you’re mistaken. Communist bus drivers would probably allow you not only to bring a unicycle on board but ride it in the aisle as well. She’s probably a Nazi or a Canadian.
My friend had his 51" monster and I brought my coker on board a bus. The driver just laughed at us and said it was the 1st time he ever saw unicycles that big. He let us on, but said next time, our unicycles had to be of smaller size.
a guy didnt let me take my coker on board once. then again the bus was actually full so maybe that was why
yeah our bus was pretty full…we were fitting 3 to a seat, but she knew i had it…we were on a short bus too, buts thats just cause our school district is too cheap to give us a full size bus and our bus driver suks at driving a full size bus…
That’s weird because me and my friend were on a peak hour bus.
Regardless of whether or not the rules explicitly state no unicycles on the school bus, your bus driver is NOT out of line to say that you can’t bring it on the bus. The nature of your post on that you call her a communist really reflects more poorly on you than it does on her.
point made but I’m still thinking, that it wouldn’t be too bad to actually let the bus driver you know your way around the rules and she can’t B.S. you
The bus driver isn’t him by telling him he can’t bring his unicycle on the bus. He acts as if the bus driver were out to get him or something. Name calling doesn’t solve anything. He should schedule a meeting with the principal and explain the situation and allow him to make a final ruling on whether or not a unicycle should be allowed on the bus.
I guess now that I’m looking at it from your point of view that makes more sense I guess I tend to lean toward the side of the angry kid who got yelled at for bringing my unicycle on a school bus, when I don’t think rules state that I can’t. but that makes sense.
The original poster is overreacting a little, but the bus driver is indeed BSing him since there is (as far as we know) no rule about bringing a unicycle on the bus.