Unicycles help skimboarding!!
seriously… before I started Unicycling all the time i had trouble getting back on the skimboard and being even close to the level i was a month before, but now I can not go for a few months … and be back at my level within an hour
its so sweet … im about the same level skimboarder as I am unicyclist, but skimboarding can’t get me anywhere, here on the gulf coast … if I was in California I would prolly be sponsored, but im not… and I just do it for fun anyways
now to explain skimboarding for those of you who don’t know what it is, you have a skimboard (http://www.skimcity.com/store/cart.php?target=category&category_id=395) you run, drop the skimboard in very shallow water (just wet-1"of water), jump on the skimboard and slide … or in a beginners case… fall (usually funny)
Can you do tricks on them? Like other than 180s and stuv its I guess.
I have done it before and I don’t really get how someone can be that much better than other people. I am guessing there is more to it than I know about…
i used to be really into skimboarding, but i live in Pennsylvania and i could only do it when i went to the beach so it wasnt worth getting a new $350 board every year. When i did it i was pretty good i did a front flip twice. i could get out and ride a few waves back in.
I see some people here (in south FL) doing it much more ‘hardcore’ than I remember doing it years ago.
I’ve seen people running towards the shorebreak, board in position, and then skimming it over the sand at high speed, jumping on it, and riding over the skim out into the deeper water -where they either a) launch off a wave and 7 feet into the air (backflips,frontflips,nosegrabs, whatever) or b) catch a wave and ride back in towards the shore.
I normally just ride down the beach, maybe a 180/360/shov-it here and there, but nothing like some of the other guys.
I prefer surfing, but when there aren’t any waves -as is a common problem here during the summer- I will skimboard sometimes (or, more often, do other waters activities [wakeboard,skurfing,scuba,spearfishing,etc.])