Unicycles for Obama


I be for Obama!

Obama kicked *ss in the debate last night!

Do tell us how, Billy.

And you’ll get bonus points if you don’t copy-paste your reply.

I made your quote my sig, about Romney drinking the blood of the poor!!:stuck_out_tongue:

Due to the timing, I just assumed this was a new thread. The unicycle seems to have been inspired by the design of the unicycles from the Nintendo Uni Racers game. That is, the lean of the cycle and the bike-type seat seem like a match.

Anyway, I ordered one, to add to my “unicycle crap” collection. :slight_smile: The site didn’t reject my purchase, so I think they are still available…

I suppose this pin will go well with the “I Unicycle and I Vote” bumper sticker.


I really enjoyed watching Mitt’s slam dunk in both debates. It was like he walked over to the president’s podium, picked him up by the legs, and mopped the floor with him. I’m surprised Obama didn’t burst into tears and run out of the auditorium. They’re both socialist weenies but I think Mitt would whup up on Obama big time in a thumb wrestling match. Man, that guy has thumbs that won’t quit.

Every single post in this thread is just priceless. Thanks guys, you made my day.