Unicycles for Obama

Anyone seen this?


Why does Obama need unicycles?

Maybe they will be apart of his new world order!!!

I feel certain that in the grand scheme of things he needs them way more than Christ does.

Emobama?! :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

This puts a perspective on things well worth bearing in mind.

Because Politicin’ is all about balance!




Why does the unicycle on the button have a bike seat?

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If it said Unicyclists for Obama I’d buy it, but I don’t think inanimate objects can support political candidates.

On second thought, it should say unicyclist, but because I don’t want to speak for anyone but myself

Ted Kennedy propped himself up with bottles of booze for quite some time.

I might stop uniing now. That’s horrible.


why’s it horrible? I thought it was cute…

Or do you think that buttons are shameful…?

It’s assosiating unicyclists with politics and even worse, Obama!


Here’s a picture I found for you…

Looks like sharp shooters are for Obama too…

Wow. That’s marginal at best. That’s one of the least healthy images I’ve seen in a while.

It’s very old…and made of wood, from before the days of unicycle seats.
Surely you can tell that from the “aged” colors?