Unicycles been stloen...=(

YESSS!!! Hopefully whoever took it now has a very painful bruise somewhere after trying to ride it once. Or a nice, extensive laceration, that would be good too. A broken wrist or tailbone would be a lot to ask for probably, but we can dream.

I have a little cable-lock which isn’t very high security, hardly any security at all really, but it discourages the quick grab-n-run thefts. I reason that someone professional enough to be going around with a cutters to steal bikes wouldn’t have enough interest in a unicycle to go to the trouble. But if something is just left sitting there, people are likely to steal it just out of opportunism, and decide later whether it’s worth anything or not. So I usually lock it if I have to park it where I can’t watch it.

Sweet Joe! That’s some excellent news.

Which paper is the article going to be in? The Macc Express?

Nope should be in the wilmslow express but its not a definate they were just asking loads of questions about where i found it and how etc so i think thier gonna publush it(they probs dnt have many stories)
Next purchase a little lock to keep it safe =D

well i’ll come to macc soon n go riding with you Kit probs wen petes back so i can give him his MUni back.


I think he’s back this weekend. I think a ride may be in order over the weekend to celebrate the return of the wheel.

If you fancy coming to Macc this evening, myself, my bro and sis are playing a gig at The Ship.

Come along and have a bop.

i hate thieves!

i agree no1 who uni’s would nick sum1 elses i hate the idea of sum1 nikin a uni cos they prob wont use an jus tryin to make money or for a laugh, but anywhere unicycles are fairly rare so if people see it around like dumped in a bush or sumin there bound to report it. theres allways hope for us unicyclists!:slight_smile:

Anywho glad to hear you got it back
