Unicycles been stloen...=(

who here hates chavs/scallys? just had my Koxx Devil stolen off me probs my own fault for leavin it but still ARGH!!!

anybody else had this problem???


there was one guy on these fora, Rowan I think his name is, and he had his $1,500 MUni stolen.

that sucks in both cases…maybe you should put up signs…like seriously how many unicycles could possibly be seen in a day…anywhere unless there at a meet…id report it to the police, they would probly have it back in no time.

oooo thts harsh!!!i got my mates MUni for the moment but dnt wnt tht robbed either.glad my uni wasnt worth tht much but still cant afford another £240 anytime soon + sentimental value n all


Police in cheshire UK arnt the smartest police around they dont doo sh*t to be honest.

i may get it back but its most likly been dumped in a bush


who steals unicycles? i mean, people that don’t uni kinda just stare at unicycles and people that do unicycle are usually cool enough to not be thiefs. i think… :thinking:

Hey Joe,

That’s harsh! I had my yellow DM one pinched a couple of years ago. I got it back after getting in touch with the local paper and they did a story on it.

Where was it taken from? Make sure you tell the police about it if only to get an incident number…You might be able to get your parents to claim for it on their house insurance.

If you want to borrow my yellow freestyle for the time being you’re welcome to.

The anwer:

Douchebags. There is a douchebag epidemic in our country, Nay in the world. We are the victims of douchebaggery, all of us. Whether your uni was stolen or my skateboard was stolen. If you do something they don’t consider ordinary they will hate you for it. So the lesson is, whether at home or at the beach or playing out in the sun, stay away from douchebags.
Also please avoid assholes, buttnuggets, and fartknockers.

that must suck really bad

I do hate to see anyone’s unicycle stolen, of course.

That said, it is worth remembering what the king once said, to wit, "“Give me a Sandwich and a Douchebag, and there is nothing I cannot do.”

my lx got stolen

now i have a kh/ onza a dx and a crap coker
but ya just cant bring your self to love them as much

I had a crappy unicycle stolen once. I was dressed up as a clown, parked my uni out front, went in for 20 minutes or so, and when I came back out, it was gone. What made me really mad was that whoever stole it was probably just being a jerk, and they weren’t going to spend the time to learn how to ride it. So it probably got “dumped in a bush” or something equivalent. What a waste.

Sounds like your not gonna report it. Why because you have nothing to loose? That would be a mistake, report it as soon as possible because the longer you leave it the harder it will be to find. REPORT IT


I aggree

If your able to claim on house insurance to replace it you will need a crime ref no from the police to do so. So yes, report it even if you have no hope of the poice finding it.
I had my 1st coker nicked a few years ago, was reported to police, never found but I got a nice cheque from our insurance co and was able to replace it with no problems ( i provided crime ref no and photo of it chained up outside the pub. )

Cheers bud, I’m ok for the moment ive got petes MUni for a while.
I have reported it t the police and got an incident number and its going into the paper this week so hopefully summit will turn up.


are ALL your unicycles yellow?:stuck_out_tongue:

Good call. I haven’t had a uni stolen (thankfully), but I also live in a college town, so if I can’t see it, it’s locked up.

My 2nd uni however was acquired by the police, and since no one ever reported it stolen, or missing, it sat in their recovered-bike storage room for 2 years. A friend of mine is a dispatcher for them, knew I wanted a new uni, and got it for me, free :slight_smile:

The moral? If anyone has a KH2006 Muni or a Coker, and it gets stolen in Northfield, NH… DON’T report it stolen… I like getting free unicycles :smiley:

A Happy Ending…

Well…after a tip-off off a mate i looked around for my Koxx again and found it in a bush behind a church near where i live!!
I think their still going to put my story in the local paper though:p which cant do any harm.
think im going to purchase a little lock for it now, never thought it would get stolen…who the hell steals a unicycle anyway.


Two weeks ago I went back from our saturday uni session. I had ridden my Qu-ax 36 while carrying my Koxx devil on my shoulder. When I got back home I put both uni in front of my garage door, in order to open from the inside, as I didn’t have the key…
I just forgot them out… passers by could see 2 unis frame crossed, laying upon the garage door…
The day after, as I got out to fetch some bread I saw my unis, still at the same place, waiting for me to get them in.
Either I leave in a really peacefull part of the town, or “naughty kids” are used to seeing me ride in the area and didn’t want to bother me? :thinking:
I guess I’ve been very lucky on this one:o