my second life döpelganger should move on a unicycle …
except that I do not know how to do that …
any hint?
my second life döpelganger should move on a unicycle …
except that I do not know how to do that …
any hint?
Did you find any unicycles in SL? I seem to recall a store somewhere that sells them, I presume they come with the animation code to let you ride automatically. I don’t remember where that store is, but if you do a search for “unicycle” it should come up.
can either of you 2 lovely gents give me some advice and info on Second Life i havent’t had a chance to look at it yet, but my geog techer said you can actually make money on it potentially? is this true? is it easy? can it compete with as my favourite website?
any info appreciated xx
I don’t have much to say about it. It does look interesting and fun but unless you buy trade some Pounds for Lindens, (the currency of SL), your experience will be quite limited. I wasn’t intrigued sufficiently to invest any of my own money in the experience, and haven’t visited the site in months.
Probably not. (unless you can write some script to allow your avatar to do some crazy street or trials, which - if you actually do - I’d love to see)
Ha Ha naaa fraid as you can see from my grammar i dont have the brains to do that , cheers anyways