
Anyone done it?

Just curious cause I’m going skydiving tomorrow.

Anybody ridden off a cliff into water or something with a uni? that might be fun.

I think the circumstances that would lead to that are frequently referred to as UPD’s

But that seems like a fun thing… Don’t ask me to go try it first though.

In universe 2 someone does a cliff jump probably at least 50 feet on the uni into the water.

America’s Funniest Home Videos had a segment with a series of parasailing and hang-gliding mishaps. Some were not so funny.

But one showed a guy landing on a beach having apparently parasailed with a unicycle wedged between his legs. He landed and rode off perfectly on his single wheel quite elegantly.

What was interesting is the fact that in every single other video the hapless participants landed inelegantly and in many cases clearly painfully. Only the unicyclist executed a successful landing. Yet the mere fact that he was on a unicycle made him eligible for inclusion in this string of otherwise disastrous landings.

And yes, I do occasionally watch AFHV.

There is a base jumping fella who was trying to ride out the landing on a unicycle. He would run and jump off the cliff with a unicycle at hand then mount it mid air and ride out the landing.
there was fooootage posted somewhere but i cannot find it at the moment.
i think he succeeded once or twice in the video.

Edit: ha! found it linkage

watching the foootage again i realise he didn’t actually land any.

He’s been making steady progress tho.

And had the balls to start trying.
That’s got to be worth something.

amazing videos i agree, i was not trying to dis-credit him what so ever.

It would be lovely to see someone skydive into a swanky beach doo, land and pull off a jumpsuit to reveal themselves dressed in a tux, upon a unicycle.

I am now thinking of Mythbusters, where Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman did exactly that, minus the skydiving and the unicycle… but Adam could at least do it on a unicycle. I’m pretty sure he knows how.

I was told that back in the early 60s, when USA founder Bill Jenack was working with a Boy Scouts skydiving badge, somebody did it then. Made the jump but I don’t think stuck the landing. Then in the 80s we knew a guy (Harold Herzig) that was getting into skydiving and planning to do it, but don’t know if he succeeded. I’ve heard many accounts of unicycle skydivers, but I think only a smaller percentage were able to successfully land riding.

Love the way you think.

It sounds like an opening scene from the next James Bond movie.
Does anyone know if Daniel Craig is on Twitter?

And I’m thinking of Dukes of Hazzard, minus the skydiving, the unicycle, the beach, the jumpsuit, and the tuxedo. That Dodge is a sweet car…