Unicycleadventures.com thread (Guatemala)


Just got back from a really good weekend of riding in Whistler BC with Dennis, Josh, Eyal, and Alden from Santa Barbara, and Sep, the founder of unicycleadventures.com, the adventure uni company he founded in Guatemala.

Anyway I think what Sep is doing is really cool - definitely it’s a first for a company to focus totally on uni adventures, and he’s also the first tour company I know of that actually invested in munis so riders don’t necessarily have to bring their own.

He’s already got a bunch of trips posted on his site (scroll over “Trips” at www.unicycleadventures.com), but I thought he’d also appreciate feedback in this thread about what kind of trips people might want to go on.

I think his idea is that people traveling to Guatemala would want a variety of experiences, with lots of riding but also a chance to explore some culturally cool places off the uni too. That also makes a lot of sense if not everyone coming is a rider, e.g. if it’s a family trip.

From my own experiences riding in Guatemala I can say it’s an awesome place to go, both for traveling and for riding!

So if people have suggestions about the kinds of trips they might want to do and riding styles they’d like to see, post them here. To be clear, I don’t have any business connection with unicycleadventures and he never asked me to post this, but just thought he would appreciate the feedback.

