got to ask . new to unicycles . is there any benefits to a 24 inch wheel over a 20 inch wheel . is one better then the other . if so what ? i just bought a cheap uni just to see if i will be able to ride one . if i can i would like to get a better uni . any info would be great . thanks !!
Bigger wheels just give you a higher gear, so you can go a bit faster at the same pedalling speed. A bigger wheel also rolls over rough ground more easily if that’s what you want to do.
Generally speaking, people use a small (20") wheel for tricks (street/trials/freestyle), a medium wheel (24"-29") for muni depending on technicality of the terrain, and a large wheel (29"-36") for road riding. But there are obviously exceptions and crossovers.
So a bigger wheel isn’t necessarily “better” - it depends what you want to do with it.
You’ll find loads of wheel size discussions (and arguments!) on here if you search the forum.
Welcome, and have fun!
thanks for the info ! that helps alot .
Let me answer the question you didn’t ask.
Either size is fine to learn on.
As a general rule, with heaps of exceptions (getting a definitive answer around here is almost impossible), the 20 is an ideal learning size if you are shorter than 6ft.
The 24 is a better learning size if you are taller than 6 ft.
Are you actually called jonny walker? Or do you like to hit the bottle? I personally ster away from any thing brown except beer.
That is one reason I do not like to be UPD over little uneven pavement with 20" and consider bit larger one. Should I keep up with 20" and learn hard way?
Get used to the fact that you are going to have more than one uni.
It’s just one of those things.
Your 20 is always going to be a handy learner-uni to lend to friends who want to have a go.
Learn what you need to learn on it right now and once you have more of an idea of the kind of riding you’re going to be doing, you’ll have a better idea of which uni you’d like to buy.
I’d say stick with the 20 and learn as much as you can before you upgrade.
I second that. The moment you first mount your second one you inevitably begin to a assemble a list of all the different kinds of unis you need to acquire.
For sure. Get a 20" and keep at it on ONE size wheel until you get proficient at riding AND freemounting.
Switching things around has slowed me down quite a bit!
But I am stubborn. Maybe more stubborn than I realized.
Get one. Learn ONE (20").
Then get the one you think you really want.
This is all too true!
The day my 36er arrived i was already thinking about how i was gonna afford a 24"/26" muni
Also really wanna buy a 12.5"…Just for Sh*ts ‘n’ Giggles
I’m putting the MUNI off till KHs come with disk brake mounts.
That’s probably a good idea…I’m putting muni off till:
a) I can afford it
b) I’m all mended
c) I have somewhere i can actually do muni
d) now you have just given me ‘d’
It’s hard to find a decent tire for a 12".
Nah it wouldn’t have to be decent…I’d probably only ride it once in a blue moon anyway
The tire I have on mine is very bouncy. Combined with the low seat it makes it difficult to idle. I got it because I thought it would be funny to use it to pass juggling clubs with someone riding a giraffe but so far have just used it in parades and bar crawls.
Bar crawls sounds like an interesting use for a little wheel
Certainly less far to fall…