Unicycle Web Portal: What to use???

Hey Guys!

Currently, there aren’t good unicycling websites with interviews, news, and up do date info!

I need a brazilian unicycling website and I decided to do both together: A cool portal in English, Portuguese, Frensh, Spanish and all languages that I could find people to translate (I already have to spanish, english and frensh).

I have some HTML knowledge, a lot about flash, and a bit of PHP.

To have the website updated by people around the world I would need a good CMS, where I could publish stuff and translate. After researching a bit I found Joomla and learned a bit about it. it’s pretty cool, but people here said to find a better system.

I also thought about a GOOD blog with a cool template, like IThemes.com templates, but I checked with some friends and for a pro website it would not work. People want a really consistent website nowdays!

My problem is: What system to use?

Do you guys knows any PHP Portal Scripts or softwares to make it? What about Joomla? any other free cms softwares?

Please give me some advices!

I already have people who can upload stuff, make podcasts, translate, people to interview and people to write about unicycling :smiley:

I already have a domain (unicycle.com.br), and I would buy some new for each language added. I would host at DreamHost, since my cousin boyfriend gave me a free account.

I know that’s a big project, but I think that’s something we need. All sports have portals with news and articles. We need something to show unicycling to the world, since people don’t know it as a sport…

Please, give me advices, opinions, whatever you can say to help :wink:

first of all its a good idea, but you need a good motivatet group of people that want to write for the website’s

in the Netherlands ( small country in europe :roll_eyes: :D)
we have a website called www.eenwiel.nl
we try to update aleast once a month with all the availebe news there is in this unicycle world.

alsow there are some intervieuws like with , Kris holm, florian Schlumpf , Egon becker, Roland wende

we keep records and all the information you want as a unicycler.


Your website is pretty the same what I want. Acctually I need more friendly interface, and dinamic website. More colors and videos for sure!

I read some researches and is way easier to attract people with a dinamic website. Simple but dinamic!

I need some rotative content like:

-News (Product releases, championships results)
-Articles (About conventions for example)
-Video of the week

And some fixed content like:

-Content about each kind of unicycling (Street, Basket, Flat, Hockey. For people who’s joining our world)
-Archives of the rotative content
-And links for online comunities

For sure it’s a lot of stuff to take care! But lots of people can help!

I already talked with Puerto Rican for BasketBall Material (Thanks Carlos). Wrote some brainstorm for Muni reading here… Talked with some Street riders to hear opinions about the scenary…

My biggest problem right now is deciding what technology to use!!!

Please help me. I’m really thinking in spending some time on Joomla again.

People who in the future want to translate the website PM me!

I’m also working on some logos that I’ll post soon!

Thanks, and please help me!

Is there any way that this website could be translated to English? It looks like a really good website. I noticed that on some websites you can choose between a couple of languages, but I presume you would have to get somebody, or a program, to translate the whole website and then need to use up twice as much space as you currently do.
Any thoughts?


Actually, to make a good translation of this website you need translators. There aren’t any kind of softwares that would make a good translation!

If you have a CMS like Jooml you can install modules in the back end (administrator part of the website), and have options to translate every word of the website).

You can design your own CMS (Content Managet System), but it would need A LOT of time and would be really Expensive!

That’s why I need help, to find the best way to do it cheap and easy :smiley:


I’m planning out something similar. I’ve done one for juggling at www.streetjuggling.com and am using Wordpress which is a REALLY GOOD collab CMS imo.

I’d be keen to help out with the more technical or design aspects. For wordpress you’d need some knowledge of PHP and CSS if you want it fully custom.

Drop me an email at thecollectiveus@gmail.com if you want to bring the discussion offline.

WordPress is an awesome blog CMS, but for a website it would not work well.

I tought a LOT about a blog to start the project, but my main public, people who I want would not read it. I want something solid for people who want to learn a lot about each kind of unicycling, about unicycles, about unicyclists.

I researched with BMXers and Skateboarders and only about 10% said that was really going to read a blog, the rest said that would just close it!

I talked with Olaf a bit some minutes ago, and he worked with joomla and said that’really good. I’m thinking in working with it…

I would really appreciate your help with some design stuff. Soon I will post my brainstorm for the layout (And probably the PHP file with all modules in the right position) and I will mail you or PM!



What were the arguments against Joomla?
It’s a very popular CMS, and it’s used by a lot of projects, both opensource and proprietary (including my current employer’s site).
It has a ton of extensions, and if you have a handle on php, you can even create your own.

I beg to differ about Wordpress. With plugins, options are limitless. I’m guessing you’re aiming for a magazine look. Something like http://www.darrenhoyt.com/demo/mimbo2/

Because it utilizes CSS, you can pretty much customize the look and fields to look like anything you’d want to. The plus side really is that the admin panel is very easy to use and installation is effortless.

I’m not sure about Joomla but from the examples on the website, everything that’s shown can be replicated with wordpress.

Joomla have more extensions. It’s also easier to create accounts for each function.

For example: I’m a article writer, So I can only write article. You can be the newsletter writer, so you’ll be only able to do it!

I will study a bit, but after listening Olaf I think I will go with joomla!

What I’m thinking is something like this template you posted. I only have examples i portuguese of exactly what I want… I will drwan tomorrow I think!

Thanks Again!

Check out Drupal as well, seems to be getting more popular.


I’m working a lot to learn Joomla, but I need something fast too!

I’m using the Joomla Template Kit 3.0 Extension for Dreamweaver but it’s not REALLY HELPING… It only helps a bit…

I found some cool menus to use, to translate I’ll use JoomFish, and found some other ultilities…

I found 2 shareware tool that could help, and I want some advices:

The first is a website that gives some cool templates and extensions:

It costs 40 euros, but I’m not sure if it will really help, or just put to many tool on my hand.

The second is the iJoomla News Extension. It costs 80 Dollars, and have some tools to make the process of a news website faster. the problem is:

I’m not sure if I will be able to use some other extensions with it!

Any tips?



Just Bought the iJoomla News Portal!

As far I’m using, I’m loving!

I’m still learning, but just finished all sections and categories in portuguese and english…

Someone have logo ideas?

The main idea is to have the same logo for all languages, just changing the words!

I will post some ideas soon :wink: Probably with a template overview too! :smiley:

I’m so happy that I’m making progress!


It’s still under construction, but I have Adventure Unicyclist back online courtesy of Wordpress:

It’s going to be a Road/Muni/Unitouring focussed website with a few articles and ride reports from around the world.


Cool Ken!

You is a great embassador of the sport and a great unicyclist! If want to post any articles, news, announcements about your tours, anything on our website, we will be proud to host it!