Hey Guys!
Currently, there aren’t good unicycling websites with interviews, news, and up do date info!
I need a brazilian unicycling website and I decided to do both together: A cool portal in English, Portuguese, Frensh, Spanish and all languages that I could find people to translate (I already have to spanish, english and frensh).
I have some HTML knowledge, a lot about flash, and a bit of PHP.
To have the website updated by people around the world I would need a good CMS, where I could publish stuff and translate. After researching a bit I found Joomla and learned a bit about it. it’s pretty cool, but people here said to find a better system.
I also thought about a GOOD blog with a cool template, like IThemes.com templates, but I checked with some friends and for a pro website it would not work. People want a really consistent website nowdays!
My problem is: What system to use?
Do you guys knows any PHP Portal Scripts or softwares to make it? What about Joomla? any other free cms softwares?
Please give me some advices!
I already have people who can upload stuff, make podcasts, translate, people to interview and people to write about unicycling
I already have a domain (unicycle.com.br), and I would buy some new for each language added. I would host at DreamHost, since my cousin boyfriend gave me a free account.
I know that’s a big project, but I think that’s something we need. All sports have portals with news and articles. We need something to show unicycling to the world, since people don’t know it as a sport…
Please, give me advices, opinions, whatever you can say to help