anyone played This?
I played that back in the day. Don’t remember whose it was though…
No, it looks fun though.
yes i have played it. And it is AWESOME! except after a few minutes your fingers start hurting. It is hard to find though, pixar sued them because their unicycles looked too much like “Red’s Dream” so now it is hard to find, even on ebay.
When Nintendo released UniRacers, they hired the Twin Cities Unicycle Club to do a big show at a promotion at the Mall of America. Connie Cotter rode her new 22’ unicycle, setting a record for the highest unicycle ridden by a woman. And if 22’ doesn’t seem that high to you, try it sometime!
As part of that promotional event, I remember being contacted by someone either at Nintendo or from Guinness, to confirm that that was the highest unicycle known to be ridden by a woman. Before that there was no record I was aware of. I’ve ridden the 16’ variation of the same unicycle, and it was damm scary! The first thing I thought when I got on it and looked down at that tiny tire down there was “Why?” I rode it back and forth next to a railing (not holding on), but never ventured out into the open with it.