if you havent noticed, shaun names almost all of the unicycle tricks after skateboarding tricks. so most of the flipping tricks are also skateboarding tricks.
You are right about the shove-it. I want to add
180 flip = 180 flip
casper (as a manual) = seat push/drag.
indy = tire grab
If we are doing this proper though we should also be using BMX names
Saran wrap = seat wrap (not sure about the uni name)
Decade = body varial
Manual = one foot
Also, no offense but I would bet this thread has been done a few times already.
You’ll like this check it
Unitrick names - Skatetrick names
Crankflip - Kickflip
Backcrank - Heelflip
Hickflip - Varialflip
Varialflip - Bigflip
(Hating it yet)
Blind Hickflip - Hardflip
Outbackflip - Varial Healflip
Sex Change - Sex Change
Varialbackcrank - Laserflip
Doubleflip - Doubleflip
180 flip - Backside flip, or frontside flip
Treyflip - 360flip
360flip - 360 kickflip (frontside, or backside)
Inward smallflip - No name in skateboarding, maybe varialflip sex change
180 backcrank - Backside heelflip, or frontside heelflip
360 backcrank - 360 heelflip (frontside, or backside)
Lateflip - Lateflip
Those are all the ones I care to post, but yeah.