Unicycle Tricks Compared To Skateboarding Tricks

talkin about the sex change in “any artists here” thread got me thinkin,

there seems to be some relevance with skate tricks and uni tricks, and wat tricks compare to what uni tricks!!

like the uni hop is like an ollie, and i think the crankflip is like a kickflip!

what other tricks do u think r similar to skateboarding tricks?

for example: Crankflip ---- Kickflip

no need for links tho :stuck_out_tongue: hehe unless u want them

Grinding <-> Grinding

Any skateboard stall <-> Pedal/Crank Grab

Body Varial <-> Body Varial

Shove-it* <-> Unispin

*I’m not completely sure what a shove-it looks like so I’m not sure on that one.

if you havent noticed, shaun names almost all of the unicycle tricks after skateboarding tricks. so most of the flipping tricks are also skateboarding tricks.

Kickflips are easy crankflips are waaay hard


You are right about the shove-it. I want to add
180 flip = 180 flip
casper (as a manual) = seat push/drag.
indy = tire grab
If we are doing this proper though we should also be using BMX names
Saran wrap = seat wrap (not sure about the uni name)
Decade = body varial
Manual = one foot
Also, no offense but I would bet this thread has been done a few times already.

manual = coasting

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coating is like 60 billion times harder than doing a manual.


You’ll like this check it
Unitrick names - Skatetrick names

Crankflip - Kickflip
Backcrank - Heelflip
Hickflip - Varialflip
Varialflip - Bigflip
(Hating it yet)
Blind Hickflip - Hardflip
Outbackflip - Varial Healflip
Sex Change - Sex Change
Varialbackcrank - Laserflip
Doubleflip - Doubleflip
180 flip - Backside flip, or frontside flip
Treyflip - 360flip
360flip - 360 kickflip (frontside, or backside)
Inward smallflip - No name in skateboarding, maybe varialflip sex change
180 backcrank - Backside heelflip, or frontside heelflip
360 backcrank - 360 heelflip (frontside, or backside)
Lateflip - Lateflip
Those are all the ones I care to post, but yeah.

-Shaun Johanneson

thats pretty cool …tell the truth ive never related uni tricks to skate tricks…but it all seems to fit.

yeah thats well wild Shaun, its ur tricks that i got to thinking that the tricks compare alot to skating tricks and bmx!!

resurrection just because there’s more to compare now :roll_eyes: