hello, my names Matt, and I’m new to the forum but have been unicycling for about a year now. and me and a mate are thinking about starting up a clothing business, and we were considering ordering a batch of size large sky blue t-shirts with a “i-ride” picture on the front, it would be in white using a text similar to the I-pod text. and above ti would be a black silhouette of a unicyclist. And i was wondering if it would be worthwhile doing so, and if so how many people would be interested in buying them at £9 including UK postage?
This is just an idea me and my mate have had for a while now and we were thinking about putting it into practice and actually doing something that would contribute to the sport of Unicycling and maybe even eventually providing and income for us both.
I recommend changing “iRide” to “iUni”. If you’re going for the iPod look, note where the capital letter goes, and there’s no hyphen. Then if you share your designs here before going into production, you’re sure to get more useful comments and maybe even offers of better pictures to use as your silhouette.
Then it’ll be up to you if you want to add some little wires coming out of the riders’ ears…
for picture ideas, check the Cool photoshop pictures thread, I have a few “halfway done” ads in there some are a bit blurry but would work you just need to insert the text and find a t-shirt that matches the picture’s background. there is only one where the guy’s uni is accented white and the smaller version looks best if you need help making the picture or you want me to improve on one of my older ones for use, feel free to pm me, I have a few t-shirts available for sale HERE as well. good luck and have fun!
All i want is a T-Shirt that has written on the front saying. “Who do you think is 1 of Australia’s weirdest riders” and on the back saying “race me and you’ll find out” My lady friend with the 51" monster unicycle would like a shirt like that too
Here is one i made today, not real good quality, i’ll do a good one when i find some decent transfer paper.
I did it from a photo of me, i will attach the original photo too.
I did it in photoshop and am quite pleased with the image result:)
Yep, that was my first attempt!
I am actually thinking of taking it into ‘Colour Copy Centre’ and seeing how much they could do it professionally for.
Yours looks sweet too!
Only reason i did black and white was i thought it’d be better on a white shirt - only the image and no border/backgrounds.
us three could all put together and make a buisness outa this lol! plus form alot of printers youll find black on white is cheapest, i found a quote in the uk: £50 for 80 t-shirts! black on white. Also if i gave you a design Mill_mobile would you make me a t-shirt? i woudl welll love that! lol aso, how do you print your t-shirts?
Yeah, thats cool - we would have to suss out postage cost to you from Australia though.
I got some transfer paper from Officeworks and printed the design out on it, ironed it onto the t-shirt and thats it!
I will let you know cost to get it done properly (professional printers) when i have checked tomorrow.
The most effort of mine went into the design.
Anyways, let me know if you wanna go ahead with it… you can either post your image here or e-mail it to mill_mobile@hotmail.com