i pmed you something
I thought of one today (or I saw it sometime and only thought I thought of it ;)) “Bikes are for the unbalanced”
Yeah that’s a good one. It would be cool if it was on the back of the t-shirt too so when people look after you (like when they pretend to ignore you then gawp after you’ve passed) they can laugh. More.
because hes worth it!
it would make my day
I was skiing yesterday. Saw a bumper sticker on a chair pole that said “If it were easy they’d call it SnowBoarding”.
If it were easy they’d call it Bicycling.
Please, no one else respond to this. There are already about 20 threads on religion, this one is about T-shirts.
I’d buy that one.
Well, with borrowing Munimanpete’s avatar (thanks again btw)
I like the idea, but I would put all the text on the front, make the image bigger and use a different font. I like the font between his arm and the building to his side. Also if you made his shirt the same color as the shirt you put it on it would look pretty cool, especially with that light blue. I tried to alter the picture to show you, but my computer is being lame.
Like this?
Catboy, if you’re out there, a bigger version of this pic would be really nice, and really appreciated. Thanks
That’s about it. I couldn’t find a good font for it.
Yeah, I like it too…I’ve decided that I’m definitely using that as soon as I get a bigger pic
what do you think of this?
I like it, just touch it up a little more, to make it neater, than it will be great =p
yeah i was thinking that but what should i do to touch it up?
Im not sure lol, im not great with image editing or anything like that, someone els will probably chime in though.
I like the idea but the image is to simple I think. I’m not sure how but better a better drawing of someone grinding or whatever would make it look better and then I think the shirt would come out really good.
I like when shirts use actual pictures.
That’s too expensive to put on a shirt you plan on wearing frequently and make it look good…