unicycle stand

i dont think i want to buy a uni stand, so did anyone make a homemade one? and if you did, what did you make it out of?

nevermind i just built one out of wood and it is really cool… ill try to make a new thread and get some pictures of it :slight_smile:

Bicycle hooks work much better than a stand assuming you can drill in to the walls. The standard steel uni stands are pretty bad btw.

Don’t make a new thread!! You have a perfectly good one right here, with the right subject line and everything!

I was never into stands. I started hanging my unicycles on hooks as soon as I had 5 or so. It gets them out of the way.

anyone tried a guitar stand? mine came with a stand that looks suspiciously like a guitar stand. its made from metal rods bent to shape and plastic dipped.

I usually just kinda let mine lay on the floor or against the wall. I have a stand, but never quite figured out how to use it.

:roll_eyes: Everyone listen to the expert.

So how’s 7th grade treating you, QCA?

That’s cool that you made a stand, narnia12. It’s probably better than something I could do.

ok i wont make a new thread and ill try to get the pictures in a little bit. i tried hanging it on the wall but it wouldnt work for some reason.

Gravity, perhaps?

here it is…you might not think its that cool but it gets the job done and i think it is cool

if that doesnt show up try



my wheel won’t hang from a normal hook very well, I have a super sized megaduty bikehook. Its kinda cool, it holds the wheel quite nicely.

the pictures you linked are email attached, thats secure, we can’t access secure and neither can unicyclist.com
upload them to the gallery or something.

the pictures are in the gallery…so hopefully you can see them

i know what you mean, i knocked a uni off a stand in the bike shop the other day and spent about 15 min trying to put it back on there before i just placed it on the ground becide it and sneaked out.

I have a stand with mine - took me a while to suss it, you still need to lean it against a wall (the stand is just to stop it from falling).

You don’t, if it’s a 29" or less and you bend the stand just right it will hold a uni in free space, abeit a little tenaciously.

anyone get to see my homemade uni stand yet? its in the gallery :slight_smile:

Well common courtesy would require you to actually give us links…but I searched for the pictures and got these, which I’m assuming are what you’re trying to show us:

yeah those are it…im sorry, im retarded and i couldnt do that…sorry