unicycle related sweating

I don’t really understand the problem…when you exercise, you sweat. It’s how the human body is built. Like others have said, the smell comes from the bacteria that grow in the sweat, not the liquid itself, so you shouldn’t even smell that bad.

Get used to it.

What I notice is that I also sweat on a bicycle, only I’m riding fast enough to get some breeze. But on my 20" unicycle, I feel becalmed and that means more sweat. So yeah, I pretty much come in drenched with sweat.

What Matt said. ^^

From CNN Health
“Your skin has two types of sweat glands: eccrine glands and apocrine glands. Eccrine glands occur over most of your body and open directly onto the surface of your skin. Apocrine glands develop in areas abundant in hair follicles, such as your scalp, underarms and genitals.”

The article goes on to say (look under “Causes”) that sweat from apocrine glands is different from that of the rest of your body. A fatty substance is secreted with the sweat, which is what the bacteria feed on, producing odor. So, your armpits are giving the bacteria food to eat – in a moist, warm environment, which they love.

I agree with others – don’t use an antiperspirant. There’s not much you can do. The right clothing helps. And I think if you are more physically fit you will sweat less (is this true?).

Also keep in mind that a hairy armpit holds many times more sweat than a hairless one. Not to get too personal, but you can shave or trim your armpit hair – or be thankful if don’t have any in the first place.

Lastly, and again not to get too personal, but take a look at this Wikipedia article about apocrine sweat glands. You may be going through a phase.

Wow, this is my first post outside of Just Conversation in a long, long time. And what a pleasant topic, too!

I’ve come to accept the fact that I am going to sweat when I unicycle. Thank god I live in alaska, otherwise I’d go through 3 or 4 shirts a day!

I’ve gotten so tired of sweating that nowadays I often ride without a shirt (about half the time). This method may require you to be comfortable with your appearance though :wink:

you’re on a unicycle. you should be comfortable with how you appear to people.:stuck_out_tongue:

I have always been told that I sweat alot because I am fit. Not sure what is right.

The fitter you get the more you will sweat due to your body being more effiecient at regulating itself. As long as you’re not sweating excessively when at rest it’s not really a problem, in fact it’s a good thing. Try avoid using anti-perspirants if possible, they are not good for your body.

It’s excercise, it’s good for you, you sweat which is good for your body… get used to it :slight_smile:

maybe tuck a spare shirt or even a small towel in your bag, or out the back of your shorts and wipe down with it once in a while.

Am I the only one who enjoy sweating?

Same here! I thought I was going crazy …

I hate when people don’t sweat when working. If your not sweating, your not working hard. I have a pretty bad head sweat problem, I can wring out my helmet pads with about a three second stream of water. Just suck it up and I think that if your worried about peoples oppinion they have to realise that your doing a physical activite.


come on it’s just sweat! does you no harm. excesrsise = sweat. And the more muscle you have the more you sweat. Also it could mean you have a sweating problem or you are thinking (or maybe more) about sex.

and like someone else said, it’s supposed to attract the opposite sex… personally i’ve found that not to be true, but feel free to report your findings :wink:

gosh! then bacteria are a quick lot: the moment I start riding I start sweating and I start smelling like a warthog :astonished: for sure I am a hairy bear … I won’t dare to kiss my significant other before going through a thorough shower!

It’s actually the poo from the bacteria that stinks.

You are just re-activating some that was still there.

Nice topic huh??

I wear the poly-bicycle jerseys mostly now when cokering/MUni-ing. they clean up well in the laundry and don’t hold much of a smell at all. but yeah…after an hour…they stink.

when i’m not riding to and from work and i’n working on tricks, i like to ride in the cool of night with my top off. with intense training i will almost without fail build up a sweat within minutes. if i ride to work too quickly with the wrong top on, i’ll end up sweating loads after i get there and it just makes me look like i’m a naturally sweaty person. nice :roll_eyes: i wear antiodourantiperspirant but it doesn’t stop me sweating. it comes with the territory i think. perhaps you just have to prepare for your level of riding and where you intend to go that day to avoid embarrassment.

like yourself i am from the uk. it must be more of an issue in other countries i think.

or maybe it is the effects of climate change :astonished:

If I don’t sweat a lot during MUni, then I’m not working it much! I don’t mind sweating a lot and getting totally drenched as it makes me feel like I’ve really gotten a great workout. And this is a regular occurance even when I ride in cool weather, which is 99% of the time.

But if you ride in hot weather (not a good idea) or if you do sweat a lot, don’t forget to drink LOTS of water WHILE you ride. You have to replentish what you sweat out or risk dehydration.

Nope :sunglasses: ^^^http://www.unicyclist.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1095931&postcount=37

I like to ride shirtless a lot to. It also helps to ride in the early morning.