Unicycle Poem Entrent..

My poem, a cinquane, has been entered into a contest for all the schools who entered in the USA and Canada, if i win i will win lots of money, or savings bond or somthing. But just by gettin entered i get put into the book A Celebration of Young Poets for 2005, so thats really cool. For those who dont know what a cinquane is, it is a poem that consist of 5 lines, 1st line 2 syllables, 2nd 4, 3rd 6, 4th 8, and 5th 2; not rhyming. The teacher said pick something that you really like and just write about it. So I inevitably(sp) chose unicycles. and here it is


                                   One wheel 
                              Pure and brilliant
                         So beautiful and strong 
                    Uniqueness prevails above all 

Oh yeah, we had a whole semester on poetry, on all different forms of poetry. I filled a whole notebook on it, and i chose this one, for obvious resons, just wanted to share


Cool. You should offer it for use in On One Wheel, the USA Newsletter. There should be a piece of poetry in every issue!

Excellent. You also used uni as a prefix as well as a noun, topic, and final line. Well thought out and well written. Good luck.

Thanks fellas, and john i think your are somehting in that magazine, like make it or somthing , i dont really know, i would love for it to be in there. Do with it as you wish, justas long as my name get put to it:D



nice poem. keep writing, even in your darked dawn.

very kewl
thanx for sharing
i hope u win the lots of money

i count 5 syllables in the second line
is that because i say bril-ee-ant wrong?
is it bril-jant or arent’ syllables counted phonetically?

I kinda hated cinquain poems.

I think I did a uni one, though.

That’s way better than mine. I liked my sonnet, though. I don’t like being confined by line/syllable stuff…

Yeah i thought that to, but its pronounced both ways so i used it
