Unicycle Pics - Members?

Just was wondering how many people are active members of Unicycle Pics?
and what people think?, was all really.
personally i am an active member an i think its great!


they should make more t shirts

The person that made it is registered here.

I know his names Pete an he a great friend of mine, i was just wondering how many people are members an what people thought of his site?
Pete’s a nice guy i’m pretty sure he doesn’t mind peoples honest opinions plus constructive comments may be helpfull. :wink:


I uploaded a bunch of pics a long time ago. But I haven’t done any in a while since he updated it and it wouldn’t le me upload anything for some reason…

mmm pete is supercool. i’m on it, but i haven’t posted as much as i ought to have.

personally i think the site is good, but more peeps need to get on and use it (i do confess i better be much more active to avoid being a hypocrite). when i finish my new vid, i will definitely put up there too.

forrestunifreak how did you make this picture?
It’s really cool!

hey everyone. :slight_smile:

i’m glad you like my t shirts, I am making some more, it may be a few week before i’ve finished them, but there are lots more to come…

I can up it to 5mb, but it might be a bit slow viewing the images… if i put it up to 3 for now and we can see how it is.

if there’s anything else you don’t like or you would like me to change, please do say and i’ll try my best. :wink:

cheers everyone


p.s. Forrest, are you still having problems uploading?

holds up hand
That’s one of mine.
It’s entitled ‘Forrest On Moon’.
And put together with Photoshop.

:smiley: Next time someone asks how to do a unispin, please direct them to ‘the moon’

Oh, I didn’t even know I had uploaded that there!

Great idea…