Unicycle on Seinfeld

I was watchin an episode of Seinfeld last night and I couldnt believe it, but they had a unicycle in the episode! It was awesome! It was the episode where Elaine made that new group of friends that looked just like Jerry, Kramer, and George (and the man hands episode). In Elaines new friend’s apartment, he had a unicycle hanging on the wall. Just thought that was pretty cool. Anyone seen that episode?


Re: Unicycle on Seinfeld

This guy apparently has. :slight_smile:

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

I’ve been hanging around here way too long.

8 years ago and you remembered that post? You have been hanging around here a while. I saw that episode its a good one. Did you see it on TBS 1 or 2 nights ago?


Was it the episode with Bizarro Jerry? Because apparently that one has a unicycle on his wall in the same place that Normal Jerry has a bike… I’ve been waiting for that episode, but it’s never on.

Thats the one I saw.

Yea, it was the Bizarro Jerry episode. It was TBS the night before I posted the thread.

I think I’ve heard that this episode also has a poster on the guy’s wall, with a unicycle on it. Anyone notice that? It’s a poster from the New York Festival of Juggling and Unicycle Arts. This was in 1988-1990. I’ve been giving out the remainder of the stack of posters I had at every MUni Weekend but I’m about out. Anyone noticed a mostly orange poster with a graphic of a unicycle on it?

I’ve seen Seinfeld juggling to.
Also I remember that episode with the Karamazov brother in it.