My sister is an artist and is finishing up her bachelor’s degree. Her senior project is a painting of Ben and Brad from a photo we took for the newspaper before heading off to UNICON in 2002. Thought I’d share the work with you all.
The painting is hanging in an art gallery in Oklahoma City for the time being, then she has promised the painting to us as a gift. What a great honor! We’re excited and can’t wait for the painting to prominently grace the walls of our home. She has a website of her work at
Per Kerry, the digital photo of the work doesn’t do it justice. Can’t wait to see it in person. I’ve overlaid our original photo on the picture of her painting.
Cool stuff. Being somewhat of a frustrated artist myself, I can appreciate the time and effort it takes to get that good. I have none of those things that will get me there.
Tell your sister congrats on going back to school and finishing up her degree. That isn’t easy to do as you get older. I know since I didn’t finish up my degree until 10 years after high-school.
And lastly, if she ever needs a professional model to pose for another Uni painting that she can add to her online portfolio, I can make some time. Of course I wouldn’t charge, but if she wanted she could give me the painting for my private collection of budding artists. It would be graciously accepted.
Cool! That’s a nice piece of work, and an unusual subject for a painting. Any chance your sister could be talked into making a rendition in oil of the (in)famous “Harper picture”? That would look great, painted life-size, hanging behind the bar in a unicyclist’s saloon.
That bit of the picture caught my eye, but not for that reason… the crank almost looks like it’s coming out of the painting, the lighting is so good. That’s very impressive indeed!
“yoopers” <> wrote in
> My sister is an artist and is finishing up her bachelor’s degree. Her
> senior project is a painting of Ben and Brad from a photo we took for
> the newspaper before heading off to UNICON in 2002. Thought I’d share
> the work with you all.
> The painting is hanging in an art gallery in Oklahoma City for the time
> being, then she has promised the painting to us as a gift. What a great
> honor! We’re excited and can’t wait for the painting to prominently
> grace the walls of our home. She has a website of her work at
> Per Kerry, the digital photo of the work doesn’t do it justice. Can’t
> wait to see it in person. I’ve overlaid our original photo on the
> picture of her painting.
> Bruce
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> yoopers - Bruce & Mary Edwards
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