so for the people who name their unicycles lets here them…;;
- 2005 KH prototype 24"—> “the SILVER BULLIT”
- 2004 KH trials------------> “Sir. weigh-to-much”
so for the people who name their unicycles lets here them…;;
Giraffe - - Raffi
Nimbus X - - Willie
Sun- Peice of crap
24 inch torker DX- The Yang (of course)
5 foot Giraffe- Lowrider
KH Pro muni: Guinness Mojo
The rest of my unicycles don’t have real names other than generic descriptive names like DM Freestyle, KH Trials, etc. I’m going to have to come up with some more names.
See this thread.
Klaas Bil
yeah I was tryin to remember if there was a post about it but I couldnt find it in the search. And if your gonna spend your time looking in the search to tell me it took 2 seconds to find it …GET A LIFE!
In the name of our heavenly Father, i name mine mini Jesus
24" Schwinn: Yuzo
20" Schwinn: Claire (subject to change)
KH 24 Freeride— superbeast
Re: unicycle name?
you might want to spell BULLET correctly. just an idea…
my unicycles have no names. I once jokingly named both of mine Eric, but nobody besides me and one other girl at my school understood the obscure Monty Python reference there, so I decided against that. once I come up with a better name(s) I’ll get back to you.
…or people that spend way too much time in the forums.
Summit trials = The General Lee or The General, from the Dukes of Hazard, they are both orange and fly through the air. Soon I’m getting a Bedford frame and 05 KH/Onza’s but it will always be the General to me.
Torker CX = Torker, Imight start calling him TC but I rarely ride him.
BC = BC, but he will need a new name because I am getting really into it lately.
I’ve referred to my 36 incher in the past as Diet Coker.
20" Torker–P.O.S.
I am still working on a name for my 24" kh muni
Coker- The Big Guy
Trials- The “Srimp-Cycle”
My dads 24" CX- The suck cycle
Hey!, i thought that was my trials’ name. (for everyone else who doesnt know what im talking about: I went riding with evan and he laughed at me because the seat on my trials was really low so he named it the shrimp cycle) I dont really like the name so i guess you can have it:D
Well i also ride my trials really low fro street, so itked like yours, thus i dubed both unis the “Shrimp-cycle”
ah geeze stop doing that let him make his thread maybe he wants everyone to post again like everyone says dont post if you dont lke the subject