unicycle+"monument"+spaz teacher = Stupid

does ur big mean teacher love u like he loves me, look at the sweet detention slip he gave me…

sorry but heres the note


Haha that so reminds me of getting SUSPENDED (many times) from elementary school for riding both my skateboard and my unicyle on school grounds…but it was always after school. I was a rebel man! :sunglasses:

Btw, in 1967-69 we had only those old school chicago (composition) wheels that sucked 'cause when you would hit even the smallest pebble you would go flying! Then those awesome urethane wheels came out and we were in heaven!:stuck_out_tongue:

Wow, that sucks… Whats I.S.E.? 4 hours is alot!
It says that they told you not to do it before, is that true? If so you shouldnt, but still its not really a danger to you or anyone else, and 4 hours of I.S.E. (I have no idea what that is :stuck_out_tongue: ) is alot!!

P.s. That sucks thaat they dont want you unicycling there :frowning:

ha, I almost got detention for riding down the stairs at school when making This but I just got a basketball coach mad… all the disciplinary people at my school think it’s cool that I ride a unicycle and I can do all the stuff I do, so I always get off with a warning no matter how many times they ask me to stop… lol…

well they havent really told me before not to ride but what the thing meant is that they told me not to ride after i did my ride…

Whoooo you rock! Stuff school :roll_eyes:

Ahh those were the days. I remember taking this to my high school graduation and remember bouncing it on the deputy principal car and so did my friends with their unicycles. :smiley:

We created enough chaos in 2hrs that cops had to come and stop us. Because a bunch other guys grabbed their bikes, skateboards and so forth and joined in. :smiley: :smiley:

OMG! 4 hours of detention!!! thats really got to suck :astonished: … i’ve never ridden my uni at school mainly because our uniform is a skirt…
the worst i would get for riding my uni at school is maybe an afternoon detention (1 hour) but i dont think i would as the deputy principle who deals with the kids happens to like me… :slight_smile:

I don’t even dare to think riding my uni at my school. Not after our principal threw my juggling balls in the trash, couse i was juggling (if I haven’t mentioned that earlier).

Shouldn’t that have been “bystanders”, in one word?

haha yeah it shuld, the teacher that wrote me up was soo mad, they took me in the hallway to yell at me and it was hard not to laugh at them…
it says serious threat to injury to by himself or by standers…my question is, will u make up ur mind who im threating injury too!

I don’t see why your so mad. You shouldn’t have been unicycling on the monument.
In my mind you doing this is just as bad as a graffiti writer painting all over the stained glass windows of a church.

No one at my school cares where I unicycle, my schools awesome.

It says or, genius.

If this were for NKahler, I’d say the 4 hours is for not understanding when there’s danger and when there isn’t.

What we don’t know is how high this bell tower is, and where the bystanders were in relation to the riding. Let’s say it’s a tall brick structure with you riding on top, and people walking by. See any danger?

If yes: There you go.
If no: 4 hours wasn’t enough.

Your school has the right to prevent unnecessary activity that could lead to pinned pedals making a dent in someone’s head, even if it’s yours.

I don’t agree, but both have their downsides. The graffiti isn’t going to get anyone hurt, but to me it’s much more offensive, not even considering the example being a church. The problem with riding in “dangerous” places is the risk to the school of multi-million dollar lawsuits, so you have to understand their point of view as well.

well see its a brick block with a bell in it that is about 3.5 feet tall and about 2.5 feet wide sitting in the middle of some nice grass in front of the school.
the bystanders were about 15 yards away from me watching me through trees…

I don’t believe you. All of them? All the time?

But the “monument” sounds pretty darn small. Still, big enough for one slip to send the uni flying. Generally it’s a bad idea to ride unicycles on anything that’s called a monument. Or a piece of sculpture, or on anything that’s built as the centerpiece to any public area. People don’t like their monuments at risk of scratches, chips, etc.

I might agree with you if this was your first time riding at school…but the note clearly states that you’ve been told not to on school ground before, so I have no pity for you.

Just follow the rules. It won’t hurt you.

im not the only one, except i rode mine in the hallway, got detention and rode it during detention.