Unicycle Irc Channel

Well i was sitting at home and i was searching the forums and i only found 1 irc channel for unicyclists, when i joined there was no one there…i noticed the amount of posts relating to a chatroom…so i made another…just a place for unicyclists to come and chat whenever they want…

#unicycle ON irc.freenode.net


so come join…

PS. If you dont have a IRC client i would recommend hydrairc or Mirc

I’m not sure why no one’s replied to this…

I’ll try it out.

I would be on all the time but due to time zones etc i am unable to constantly be there…sorry

im gonna bump this until people go on there


I’m in now. No one else is.

Thought I’d bump this back up. I will be on any time I have my computer on and I recommend anyone else who uses IRC to set it to open this room automatically. If we get a few regulars then people will actually go on it.

#unicycle on irc.freenode.net


Bumping back up again.
It’s a bit quiet in there.

What is an IRC? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat

How to access an IRC room:
There are many IRC clients. If using Firefox, the easiest way is to download the chatzilla plugin:
Or on windows you can use mIRC (it’ll tell you it’s a trial version but it carries on working):

If you’re slightly more geeky then you can look at the vast selection of other IRC clients that are out there:

Channel: #unicycle
Server: irc.freenode.net

Looking forward to some more people to chat to. :slight_smile:

If you are interested but are unsure as to how to set this up then I am happy to help.


you could also go to:

enter in a nickname and type “unicycle” for the channel.
Thats probably the easiest way.

In now. I’ll try to go on fairly regularly, though not sure I can get on at work.

Sounds good.
There’s a few of us to talk to now. Soon we will have an active IRC :slight_smile:

Moderators, there are chatbox/chatroom plugins available for this forum software. Just FYI.

Also, if you’re wondering what all this is about and how to get on:

clickies. Type in “#unicycle” for the room :slight_smile: