Unicycle in song

this is taken from the lyrics to the song ‘21st century living’ by matthew good

“Ambition, ambition’s a tricky thing
It’s like riding a unicycle over a dental floss tight rope
Over a wilderness of razor blades”

the full lyics can be seen

it’s from the album ‘avalanche’


Re: Unicycle in song

OK, so it has the word “unicycle” in it.

It’s still a pretty lame simile.

I mean, can you relate to riding a dental floss tight rope, let alone even finding any razor blade wildernesses…

Everyone knows they’ve all been clear-cut by the Schick cartel, all to supply the demand of chaetophobes* like you, Dave.

Now, maybe if he’d said “over a wasteland of rusty, used razor blades”, it would be a little more realistic for our time.

Oh, yeah, and Happy Belated Birthday, Dave!

*people with a fear of hair

too bad its just ‘a unicycle’

dental floos tightrope
widernes of razorblades

why not, a unicycle with a bent crank…or viscount seat?

Unicycle in Song

I’m a songwriter and I got songs involved with the unicycle.
I got about a couple but here’s one which is a Hit called
“The Love Bike (The Unicycle Song)”. I’ll come back later and get the other Song title’s to put on this site. Cheers


You have a good point. We shouldn’t just complain. Let’s try to improve those lyrics…

“Ambition, ambition’s a tricky thing
It’s like riding a unicycle with a bent crank and a Viscount seat
Over a wilderness of razor blades”

“Ambition, ambition’s a tricky thing
It’s like posting on the forums with a broken spell-checker see above
Over a wilderness of razor blades”

“Ambition, ambition’s a tricky thing
It’s like riding a unicycle with loose shoelaces
Over a wilderness of razor blades”

Okay, I stink. Sofa’s was great. Anybody else care to try?

Where’s Your Other Wheel,
uni57 (Dave)

Jeepers, a Viscount seat is an awsome butt cushion, my piece of crap united trainer seat has cloth and bubble wrap taped on it to make it softer. I havent gotten around to buying something better.

You ride into your bathroom and knock over your economy pack of razor blades, and to save your tire you …

No, I give up. I can’t relate.

It’s fora


Ah, you had me going ‘fora’ minute.

If I’m going to be misunderstood, I would rather do it in plain English. Besides, that word is so west coast nuclear.

Excuse me, I have to go feed my fishes.

Where’s Your Other Wheel,
uni57 (Dave)


Please watch your spelling. That’s west coast unclear