unicycle help

I’m looking at buying my first unicycle. I would like an off-road unicycle. More specifically the Torker Unistar DX it is also in my price range? Should I go with a 20 inch or a 24? An advice for me? Are Torkers good unicycles?

Thank you for your time


Do you already know how to ride? You say you’re buying your first unicycle but didn’t indicate whether you already could ride or, if so, what you could do.

A 24" wheel is better for off-road riding if that is your interest. The larger diameter wheel allows you to roll over obstacles more easily. Small diameter wheels like to get stuck in little spots between roots and rocks.

The Torker UniStar series is a tough, inexpensive series of unicycles. Especially the wheel. If the DX does not have the splined hubset, that will be the weak point.

I have to agree with senior harper…Torker makes the best low end unicycle hands down

I have never riden befor. I have about $200 to spend on a unicycle. Do you recomend any others for this price? How hard is it to jump on a 24 vs. 20 inch?

Thank you for your time

A 24" is going to be heavier, hopping will be a bit tougher. You said you were looking for an “off-road” uni though…if by that you mean a uni to ride on trails then you defintly don’t want a 20"

I’d check into the Torker DX 24" or one of these:


Thank you for your link. what do you guys think the Torker Unistar DX 24-inch or Nimbus 24-inch MUni? Or any others?

thank you for your help, links and time.

The nimbus has a wider more agrresive tire,the torker dx is splined and much stronger.

save money.click here.

I can get it for $180. On e-bay it is $150 plus $23 for shipping. It only saves about $7. I think I’ll just go get it from the bike shop so nothing goes wrong with it. I need to sell a bike first. It’s a Diamondback DELLACRUZ `04 cruiser. Black 18" mens bike 26" wheels. Can’t take it with me when I move, Only driven once!
Thank you for your time
