Here is a pic my bud sent me of some unicycle graffiti on the side of an on-ramp in downtown Albany NY.
I might be the inspiration for it, but not sure. AFAIK, I’m the only one around here who unicycles and the graffiti is near where I sometimes ride to my LBS.
I can’t wait to join your merry band in LI again! But currently, I’m training for the Whiteface race on June 17, and soon putting the slick on my KH29. Already swapped out the 150s for 165s.
I wish I was there to watch! (My house is like 2 miles from whiteface) but I’m touring with a circus all summer. So good luck!!! I will get to read about it.
Do you mean practing all togeather or my practing for the circus?
I’m working on a new and I should have it ready in one week (give or take a few days)