unicycle graffiti

Here is a pic my bud sent me of some unicycle graffiti on the side of an on-ramp in downtown Albany NY.

I might be the inspiration for it, but not sure. AFAIK, I’m the only one around here who unicycles and the graffiti is near where I sometimes ride to my LBS.


you’re a talented painter, Steve!

he didnt paint it i dont think…he said it was some one else

Also it’s blatantly a stencil, you can see the vertical over-spray marks. Still it must be pretty rare.

Brian: Thanks, I should have majored in art.

Dorfman: I think Brian knows I didn’t paint it, and he’s being a wise guy (as usual)!

kington99: Yep , it’s a stencil, but what I want know is who the heck went to the trouble to make a stencil and paint it up there.

Obviously it was your secret admirer.

I agree

Hey Steve,
Next time you pick up the brush can you paint me rolling over that log stack we were playing on?:wink:

We hope to see you soon out here. I have a spare tube, tire and MUni for you just in case.


where can i get that stencel

Sure, one log-stack uni stencil coming up! :roll_eyes:

I can’t wait to join your merry band in LI again! But currently, I’m training for the Whiteface race on June 17, and soon putting the slick on my KH29. Already swapped out the 150s for 165s.

Here’s a nice piece from a squat near Paris:

The clown in the middle has some mad skillz!

hes doing hand vertical hand wheelwalk!
see the resemblance?:stuck_out_tongue:


looks like he’s one handed sideways hand wheel walking an ultimate wheel!!

I have my own uni graffiti but i dont do it like at banks and stuff only at skate parks and like

Hey Steve,

I wish I was there to watch! (My house is like 2 miles from whiteface) but I’m touring with a circus all summer. So good luck!!! I will get to read about it.

Hey Taylor - you were were like, all over the news last week, eh? Congrats, if that was you!

I heard about it, but didn’t see it. All my neighbors were telling me about it (because I’m the only unicyclist they know).

Ya that was me :sunglasses: you can watch the video and read the articles Here!

Hey Taylor

Why don’t you film some of your practice sessions so we can see what your up to?

A little behind the scenes video.


Do you mean practing all togeather or my practing for the circus?
I’m working on a new and I should have it ready in one week (give or take a few days)

Thats a pretty crappy stencil…

my next streetart project is to make a 6 foot life size unicyclist stencil, maybe 2 layers