Put your name in quotes, a comma, and the word “unicycle” in google and see how many hits you get. I’m up to 783 hits. I took out John Childs, Ryan Atkins, Jeff Groves, Ben Plotkin-Swing, Dan Heaton, and Darren Bedford. For some reason, Kris Holm had about 8 times as many hits as me. So did John Foss. Go figure. I couldn’t believe Dan only had about 350 hits.
Not 5 , your FIRST five!
Your count apparently referred to “greg harper”, “harper” gets to 966; both combined with unicycle, of course.
But I beat that. 1270. It’s mainly my website and a lot of posting on rsu.
Klaas Bil
1, the south dakota unicyclists page. Not exactly fair, though, because I know of about 6 or so more sites (not mine) that have me on them.
I got 2!!
#1 - unicycle.uk unicycle fanatic test
#2 - The Camden Herald with my unicycle article
1,650 on my real name
4,590 for gilby!
- Sh!t.
I dont think i did it right… Results 1 - 10 of about 8,780 for “chase”, unicycle. (0.09 seconds)
if u type MUNIFREAK i have 10 and pluss a web page in the making that i tottaly forgot about if u want to check it out(it’s about unicycling)
I got 69 hits!
Quit dreaming.
(yes, i know that you may get a larger number if you don’t know how to type your name)
Not cool Tyler. You lied to us. Not cool…
I got 14 for “DarkTom” and 3 for my real name!!
Hey, I got 42! but most of them were for this;
Strutter’s Complete Guide to Clown Makeup by Jim Roberts
I swear, honestly, it’s not me, it’s some other Jim Roberts. That’s what I get for having a common name.
There were far too many for my real name, to many pages to look through them all, there were a few that were me, and i got 10 with my screen name, maaybe sometime I will count and see how many of the ones with my real name are mine. IN the first coupel o f pages, there was like 5-6 about me(real name).
You look much younger than that in your videos.