unicycle games

Hey again just thought I’d post my idea. I only have paint so don’t bag the work eh. So yeh here it is

Kris holms pro unicyclist.PNG

you fool it was jake amos n00b unicycling. and too be honest i think it would be called dan heatons pro unicyclist more then kris holm

Give a second and I’ll make both!

pfff cant be stuffed.

no, i remember, i did make it up. i did when we were on the bb courts.

It would depend on what style the game is more focused on.


Thats right, u could have pro street unicycling, pro freestyle, pro trials or pro muni.Hope i didnt leave any out.


OTHERWISE, you could just have a game with each of those styles.

Of course it would have to be named with a terrible pun.

There are so many examples that I won’t name them.


the game would be focused on all types of unicycling trials street trials muni,and there would be copitisions, pro unicyclists from arount the world and some of the best unicycles i think i am going to wright ea
and a reason to make a video game would be that peple would try it and get inspierd and try unicycling and the sport’s popularity would grow.

A very good idea unicyclops. I like it. It’s bold, and daring. It just might work.

i love video games

i would opt for a perfect balance cheat.

im probably going to make it self balanced any way unless some body has an idea or how to balance you’re self

Going outside and practicing untill you don’t fall flat on your arse anymore…

yeah what ever

games are cool cause you can die and then come alive again

some one respond
