Unicycle For Christ <><

So far, no one has preached about anything religious in here yet. No quoting scriptures, or anything like that.

You know, and if its annoying that’s it been made “27” time, wouldn’t you have figured out not to click on them anymore?

It is, believe me!

Jebus is your God!

My name is Ivan, but cheers anyway…

Yes, all other Gods are made up.
It was written by some guy a million years ago in the book of Jebus the God, so that means it must be true!

You don’t need to quote any scriptures to be preaching. I thought you knew that.

And tomorrow I’m gonna sledgehammer a bunch of scriptures. If they survive it, then they really are holy. If they don’t… I guess not.

Was it? I think I missed that bit.

The thing is, whatever God you’re thinking of, it’s really Jebus. Jebus is your God. Your God is Jebus.

I know, but most time they play a big role, taking one scripture at a time and talking about what it means and what to learn from them.

And still, im not seeing much of any preaching in here.

The threads existence is pretty darn preachy. You’re right, I have the right to ignore these threads. I also have the right to express my annoyance. Sometimes I choose one, sometimes the other.

I know you have that right, and never said you didn’t.

I don’t think these threads are preachy. All it is, is a thread for people with similar beliefs to get together and talk and ride. Doesn’t seem preachy to me, but if it is, id count unicyclist.com as a preachy site too. :stuck_out_tongue:

How about sledgehammers for Jesus? There are a lot more people out there using sledgehammers in their jobs, to make a living, than there are unicyclists. It would seem to be a legit platform, and with access to more people!

Call it preaching, or call it advertising. No matter, this is Just Conversation and you can do what you want. Nobody made you click on the thread link, and nobody made you read any of this.

That said, this thread is still guilty of violating the “yet another thread on the same topic” thing. Why didn’t you use the search? :roll_eyes:

Anyway, for that reason, this thread is officially thread pollution; a useless repeat thread. And I’m guilty of posting in it. Do you think any of us is going to teach Skrobo anything? I doubt it. In a few months, when he’s bored, he’s going to do it again.

Because Billy’s threads tend to be about something…and they’re only the same in the sense that they’re all written in Billy’s style. Alot is definitely not word, by the way.

People get onto him/them too.

ur an idiot lol

I’m with Jerrick.

Did you consult with him before you “outed” him.



But seriously, who cares? Would it be okay if he had just made the one thread, and we kept bumping it up, talking about legitimate topics? Wouldn’t that be the same thing?

The letter ‘a’ definitely is though. :roll_eyes:

Hope all these duplicate thread titles don’t mess up the Search function.

Not more than Most Replys already has.

you can’t duplicate a thread title, if you search UNICYCLE FOR CHRIST you will come up with a wealth of disagreements and harshness, and close-minded views on many topics and ideals. they are all different. this one was made because i have gotten quite a few PM’s about Unicycle For Christ and what it is.

I would have to disagree, this one is exactly the same as many of your old threads, and you could have directed those PMing you to one of your previous threads on this same topic.