yo ill chip in money for stickers and stuff. we should talk that up a bit.
AMEN BROTHER!! I could use the sticker for the DX I ordered!
Im still looking forward to the stickers, I would probably wanna get 5, unless the price is kinda high, then one will suffice. =p
He did brighten up many a dull day though.
hmmm… i can get a batch of stickers for $20 and they would be like $0.50 each
and the extra $ would go to silicone bracelets if I sell all the stickers
i just don’t have the $$ to do it now
do you want to do shirts? i think shirts would be really cool. and im gonna be working soon here, i could get some cake together maybe. idk
shirts would be awesome, but theyre expensive to get started
if you get them made I’ll buy one for sure
just try to make them a light color so that I can ride in one … its already hittin 90* here like everyday
look!! the old uni4christ thread …
wait … all I really wanted to say is that if you uni 4 christ
… post on the map
We seem to be having dificulty getting people to put themselves on the map…
I think it’s because no one gives a damn
I had the same problem with the Jewish Unicyclists Thread, and the Unitarian Universalist Thread, and the Interspiritualist Thread, and the Buddhist Uncycle Thread…
noone cares??
i think not … or this thread would have never been started … or be 3 pages long
think before you … type
only thing no one cares about is’ thisguyiknow’…lol honestly man. people here are all like friends and stuff…but no one ever talks about how cool you are or anything. lol.
Modern usage dictates we call it a BCE wheel.
I just found the Bible quote that can be interpreted to mean Jesus wanted us all to unicycle for Him. And Satan is the one who discourages people from unicycling. [Hey Uni57, what do you make of THAT?]
One of the gospels that was censored by the Church in the 13th Century actually suggested Jesus, after his crucifiction and resurrection, rode to town on a BC wheel.
the apostles then debated whether they should still call it a BC wheel, or an AD wheel.
Modern usage dictates we call it a BCE wheel.
Makes sense that Jesus would ride a BC wheel…he just seems like that kind of guy.
The reason it is called a BC Wheel is from the comic strip BC…so I think its more accurate that the comic strip should be called BCE, thereby changing the name of the wheel to BCE.
I unicycle for Chris. He’s one of my friends.
BCE wheel? Impossible wheel? Hmm… they all seem wrong. How about “caveman wheel”? Yeah, something that best describes what it is. Or maybe just “coasting wheel” is best.
Wasn’t he also the first and only one to ever ride a BC wheel on water? I have yet to see anyone do that trick since then…
Spudman: You are either a True Believer of the Highest Integrity, or you are making FUN of someone’s very serious beliefs.
Please use the appropriate Emoticon to avoid further confusion.
After the Yamstas finally negotiated a peace settlement between the norml unicycle sect and the abnorml unicycle sect, responses on this thread has led to new threats of Christian violence erupting at NAUCC.
Why can’t we all just get along???
Peace, Billy
Unicycling in the scriptures:
If one falls down,
his friend can help him up.
But pity the man who falls
and has no one to help him up!
Ecclesiastes 4:10