All members add yourself on the map so we can see the displacement here.
since the Jews are the chosen people, Chosen, are you a Jew for Jesus???
At this point, on the map there is a linear patter of Christian riders. Is this because Christian unicyclists rid the straignt and narrow path?
[This post isn’t going to make sense when more people post their points on the map.]
unicycle for chirst is a stupid idea! there is no god! christisns suc! go satan!!
ok I’m done.
Haha, that made me laugh. Sort of reminds me of chucknorrisunicycles, but less annoying.
yeah, but he was/is (where is he anyway?) serious stupid…I’m kidding stupid
Yeah, so I’m pretty sure that I’m the only one who ever uses that smiley
+1 underused smiley
monkeyman i never got a chance to give you a really hardy welcome. so im doing it now man…WELCOME!!! my ignore list.
…ouch dude…that hurts…not your carefully crafted insult, but the fact that I’m rolling my eyes so hard it’s hurting
I don’t know if you can see this or not since you’ve added me to your oh-so-important ignore list, but even if you can’t…do you honestly think I care? It’s not like I’ve ever talked to you anyway…
If you can’t realize a joke when you see one, or more importantly take a joke, then you shouldn’t be on a public forum anyway.
Okay Monkeyman, now you’re just annoying everyone else. Why can’t you let people have topics you don’t approve of? Stop peeing all over this thread and start your own please.
What if he was joking?
If that was intended for me, here’s a reply though I intended to just make the one post here; this poor thread never had a chance to be on-topic.
If he was joking, he’s telling this to the guy who supposedly already added him to his Ignore list. Meanwhile he continues to pollute a thread to which he has no intention of adding to the topic. I’m just saying if you don’t like the topic, go to the next thread or start your own.
woohoo …unicycle for christ
watch out the “goonies” might get you for spam like they did to Uni4christ
just be careful so we don’t get shut down again
><>Unicycle For Christ<><
then it was a bad joke … cheering for satan is not a good idea
Dude, that was totally called for.
what if chosen was joking, man…
I don’t think chosen was joking … he started the map
what if i was joking when i started the whole thing?
…i wasn’t don’t worry about that…but what if I was…
What if Chosen was joking when he said this: monkeyman i never got a chance to give you a really hardy welcome. so im doing it now man…WELCOME!!! my ignore list.
But never mind! Forget I said it.
I know what you mean.
What, I need your permission to unicycle for Christ? Is yours ment to be with a capital?
no, i just started it and im tying to keep track of all the people so that I can get you guys stickers and whatnot … if I can ever get the $$ to do it …