Unicycle for beginners?

Hello. I recently decided I’d like to start unicycling. Thing is, I have no idea which brand/type of unicycle would be right for beginners. I don’t really want to spend too much on it, but I don’t want something that will fall apart in a month either. Any suggestions? Please be specific.

I’m 5’7" in case that matters.

torker lx.

24" is one of the most versatile sizes, so in my oppinion the best for beginners. torker is also a pretty decent brand.

edit: also you will get a lot more answers for a question like this in Rec.Sport, JC is more political and nonsense threads nowadays.

edit: double post

Well for starters, let me say welcome to the forums squiggly. :smiley: To answer your question, what type of riding are you thinking of doing??
These are my selections. :smiley:






Hoped this helped somehow. Sorry if i wasn’t. :frowning:
Take care

I wouldn’t get a uni for a specific style yet. Get the LX 24". It’s not really suited to any one style of riding, but it lets you dabble in a little bit of everything, that way your second uni will be what you know your favorite style is and you won’t waste money on something you won’t use, or won’t enjoy using.

Yeah good point. I just i would show him/her the types of unicycles that there are. So he/she has a fair knowledge of what they might want next. :smiley:

before creating another “I am a newb and I was wondering what a good starter unicycle is”
because their are only hundreds of newbs just like you who ask the same questions.

These “SEARCH FIRST” replies are kinda dumb…this is a forum, very interactive and such. So it is good that people keep bringing up questions, especially newbies. Ive been here for over a year, and I still ask questions when I want to, and everyone else should too. If you don’t feel like helping a brother or sister out, then don’t feel obliged.

As for new riders, ask all the questions you want…we all learn that way!:slight_smile:

Why would he create another such thread? He won’t be new, and he’ll already have a starter unicycle. I think if there’s one type of thread to be tolerated repeatedly this is it, because it’s the first thread people make.

Yeah, that’s how i see it. :smiley:

Plus they’re new and we should help them like we help each other. :smiley: :smiley:

Hey. Are you a moderator or are you a backseat moderator?

Everyone else, thanks for the help. This forum is strangely active and friendly. :smiley:

I started recently

If you live somewhere all good pavement, no dirt, and flat, a smooth tire 24" is good.
I bought a 24" KH . It’s got a 24 x 3 " knobby. I found it fun and easy to ride despite my barely able to ride status.
Even as a total beginner , after a couple weeks it was easy to ride off road, once I softened the tire to 20 psi. So don’t think you need to be a “good” rider to get a good muni. It’s easy to ride over bad sidewalks to.
The KH is a good value, but mostly you are paying for strength plus lightness.
The torker dx seems most popular here . It’s another 60 $ over the Nimbus though.
I would suggest you get at a min. , a 24 x 3 " muni, just cause they are fun and easy to ride anywhere. Unless you are sure the only place you have to ride is smooth street. In that case you may want to start with a 26.
This week I started riding a 36 ! I’m glad I didn’t have to learn on it, but larger wheels aren’t that much harder, just the fall !

Well i don’t think a coker would be a good learners machine. (no offense)

I think you should start small like a 20" or 24" then work your way to a 29er or coker. :smiley: :smiley:

Hoped this helped

lol before even thinking of 29" or 36", learn to ride on a 20"… i mena 24" is ok to learn with but most people will agree 20" is the easiest.

Good point. I used the search button a lot and still do. These newbie posts are saying more than just “Help me learn” “What should I buy?” They are also saying hi… I’m new… I’m here… How are all of you?

Welcome to the forums, Squiggly.