Unicycle equipment specs needed (for unicycle.2ya.com)...

"Hey AC,
I was thinking that it would be cool if you could have a database of unicycle equipment and their specs. Mainly things like material,
weight, size, etc. But the most important info would deal with compatibility. For example, for frames, seat post diameter, bearing width, and tire clearance would be very important. For tires, widths and compatible rims would be important.


(I hope you don’t mind my sharing your email Daniel)

Okay so basically the aim is for as many people to respond to this thread as possible with data on their as-stock-as-possible unicycles which is as accurate as possible. Then we can compile what we’ve got and turn it into something useful for www.unicycle.2ya.com which will help people decide which parts will fit in which unicycles, etc, etc.

I remember I tried something along these lines last year some time and it failed. If you can find the time, please help out.

Here’s what I think we need…


  • Unicycle Model and Brand
  • Has it been modified
  • If so, how?
  • Mass of unicycle
  • Mass of frame with bearing holders
  • Mass of wheel (with cranks and pedals)
  • Material of frame, hub, cranks, pedals
  • Seatpost diameter
  • Bearing diameter, width
  • Distance between inner sides of fork legs (at the level of the widest part of the tyre)
  • Distance between inner sides of bearing holders (when wheel is removed from frame)
  • Outer (total) width at crown, flat or curved crown?
  • Tubing thickness
  • Distance from centre of axle to bottom of crown
  • Brake mounts standard?


  • Maximum inflated width (please note what rim it’s mounted on)
  • Total diameter (again, specify rim)
  • Tyre mass (minus tube)
  • Rim compatibility?


  • Mass of hub (no bearings)
  • Mass of two cranks (combined mass, no pedals, no hub, specify crank length)
  • Flange to flange distance (centres)
  • Flange diameter
  • Number of holes
  • Material
  • Available crank lengths
  • Standard bearing diameter
  • Number of keyways (if applicable)
  • Number of splines (if applicable)


  • Mass of pedal
  • Material of spindle
  • Material of body
  • Removable pins?
  • Sealed/non sealed bearings

I’m sure I missed plenty…please let me know of any other bits and pieces that need collecting.

I know it’s asking a lot, but please help out if you can because this could be quite helpful if enough people reply. If you don’t have much info, post what you have. If someone’s already covered your unicycle but you have the measurements, please post them.

Thanks a lot,

Yeah, I know, I suggested it and didn’t contribute anything. BUT, I did stumble across this page:

Hope that will set the database off to a good start

this should be better to do on a real site.
wouldnt it?

I hope I can help some:

-From what I hear the Wilder 24" frame w/o brakes is 1.4lbs.
-The Alethes frame is around 1.2lbs.
-the united 20" frame DOES fit a 19" trials wheel, albeit with a few shims
-the yuni 24" frame does fit a 24x3.0 tire, including the gazz, but not very well. It’s best to use 26".
-The KH pro 19" trials frame weighs 2.24lbs
That’s all I know right now. I’llpost more if it comes to me.

Are you making the data base? Cuz I migh be able to, access style. Should work out well tho, my dads a programmer, and i know a bit.

Re: Unicycle equipment specs needed (for unicycle.2ya.com)…

On Mon, 25 Oct 2004 13:54:24 -0500, “fexnix” wrote:

>this should be better to do on a real site.
>wouldnt it?

Are you suggesting that www.unicycle.2ya.com isn’t a real site? Have
you ever visited it? www.unicycle.2ya.com is a very good place for
such a database, and the effort of Andrew and Pete to extend the site
continuously is very well spent indeed.

I sent Andrew the spreadsheet I keep with dimensions and weights of my
own unicycle parts.

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

“I (…) made it without dying, which means mere mortals can do it. - John Foss”

Thanks a lot guys, it may take a few weeks (rather busy at uni at the moment) but I’ll eventually get around to compiling the data and finding more of it.

…that is unless one of you (‘vanished’) would like to try. I have no experience what so ever.


The wobbling unicyclist site had a database similar to what you’re proposing, Andrew. Though it has less info and hasn’t been updated in a while.

Yeah I forgot about that one, thanks Tony.

I´m so sorry. I misunderstood. I didn´t reas the whole post and I thought this wasn´t going to ba published on a real site and just be a thread about all the specs of peoples unicycles.

Once again im terribly sorry.:o