unicycle dream

so i was asleep last night and i had a dream . i was on the bus on the top deck and looking out the window and i turn look out the back window and i see a unicycle but not just any unicycle , a unicycle with a white frame and a 36" nightrider wheel but with a coker tyre on ( you know the one with the round tred ) its a beautifull unicycle but the guy who was with it was PUSHING it !! and i dont know why. so i dont know what this means but just wondering if anyone out there has a unicycle like that because it was a damm good looking ride im just a bit jelouse of my own dream . if youve had a dream like this please tell us :slight_smile:

Years ago I dreamt of riding one-footed past a row of parked trucks.

It’s the closest I ever got.
To one-footing, I mean, not the trucks.

I always have dreams of coasting and gliding extremely fast down/past familiar spots. A year after these dreams started, I learnt to coast :). But yeah, I have dreams all the time time about crazy tricks that I try the next day. And I ALLLLWAYS dream about muni but coasting… like coasting down cliffs. Fun fun :slight_smile:

I had a dream just the other night where I was muniing some trail.

I fell off and kicked my wall and woke up…

Coasting… its the one thing that bikes have that I miss on a uni… I must learn to coast - but also how to recover and pedal on. All else is a sham. Coast, recover, pedal on - this is the Grail.

I love dreaming about unicycling :slight_smile:

I dream about landing crazy tricks that I’ll probably never land…

But I do land them in the dream, and it sure is awesome.

When I practice a new skill, I normally have a dream where I’m doing that and more.
Like the day I started hopping, I was only hopping over parking spot lines and stuff.
But then I had a dream the same night where I was jumping down sets of stairs and back up and doing 360s off of stuff. It was awesome. I woke up wanting to ride.

Last night I had a dream about the Oregon. In my dream,UDC shipped it to me by mistake with the shipment that I am waiting for right now. In my dream, I rode it around a little, and then reported it to unicycle.com.

what ? even in your own dream you were to honest to keep it ???
thats mad man

I like dreams where I can hop really high. I wake up disappointed.

The other night I dreamt I was pregnant :astonished: . I woke up quite relieved.