I was looking over an article about where to stay while biking, and glanced at the drawing on page 36 thinking - nothing but roadies are shown - when something caught my eye. The guy on the left of the page is on a Uni!! Yeah it just a drawing, but is it a sign our sport is getting noticed? Sure he has a full sleeve tat, but doesn’t look embarassingly far off mainstream…
Could be someone’s idea of a joke, could be someone’s fanciful imagination, could be someone’s recognition of unicycling outside the usual venues.
I suggest you email the artist, if name and contact available, or the magazine to try to get some idea of the motivation behind the drawing.
Hell, set up a similar scenario in real life, have it photographed and send it to them just to show them it can be done. Bet they’d publish it.
I think his tattoo could just as easily be stylized hair as it could be a tattoo.
I say this because it seems to stop above the watch and then there’s more “darker spots” on the top of the hand.
its easily a tatoo, cause look at his neck, and his shirt, there is no hair, that is no doubt a tattoo
I don’t follow your line of reasoning.
Are you saying that because he doesn’t have a hairy neck and a hairy shirt that he can’t have hairy arms?
I thought the Uni was what was important, but to add to the tattoo discussion here is a close-up. Cheesy- yes, but definitely representing ink work…
Inky arms!
Hairy hands!
whats in his pack?
Uhhh, now that you mention it that does look scary…