I know this is another stupid contest, but it’s not like the others! It’s a contest for whoever can draw the best unicycle picture. It can be anything as long as it includes a unicycle or unicycles. Here is a drawing I did in 4th grade:
Re: Unicycle Drawing Contest!
That’s great! I especially like the guy with four arms!
i’ll be adding it to my collection of uni art displayed at work.
Here’s mine:
Re: Unicycle Drawing Contest!
Am I the only one concerned that tyler was drawing swastikas in the 4th grade?
Re: Re: Unicycle Drawing Contest!
Heh didn’t notice that. You’re alright by me, Tyler.
Tyler, Unless I’m on your ignore list and you can’t see this: Check your PM’s.
Back you your regular scheduled thread…
That’s not a swatstika, it’s just a little thing my friend taught me how to draw… Anway, even though it looks a lot like the other one, here’s another drawing that I did this year in 6th grade (I skipped a grade, so 4th grade was actually last year…)
wow you really are a unicycle Nazi. nazi white trash shitpiece
your friend Adolf?
Swastikas represent more than the third reich ya know.
Nope, I don’t think he’s old enough to grow a mustache like ol’ Adolf’s! Anyway, here’s one I drew about 5 minutes ago WITHOUT the so-called swastika…
exhibit A:
This is called the “Satanic S” which resembles a lightning bolt. In Norse mythology “Thor” the god of thunder and lightning. the Satanic rock group “KISS”, that was famous in the 70’s and now making a come back. KISS (stands for "Knights in Satan’s Service).
exhibit B:
(PS: you know I’m just playing around, I don’t really think you worship satan. :D)
Satanisim isn’t really what you think it is. Its pretty much based around the idea that people get what they diserve; Treat others the way they treat you. Its really not belief in some Satan emon thingie.
m-w.com saaaaays:
Main Entry: sa·tan·ism
Pronunciation: 'sA-t&n-"i-z&m
Function: noun
Usage: often capitalized
1 : innate wickedness : DIABOLISM
2 : obsession with or affinity for evil; specifically : the worship of Satan marked by the travesty of Christian rites
- sa·tan·ist /-ist/ noun, often capitalized
wow, this is about as far off topic as I’ve ever seen a single thread get…
Re: Re: Unicycle Drawing Contest!
Hell, he even did it in the proper direction. However, it’s points arent at a diagonal, so no credit.
Tyler a SchutzStaffel(SS)?
I found another one of tyler’s drawings here:
Re: Unicycle Drawing Contest!
NAZI eskimos!! gasp!!!
tell the truth, Tyler. we’ve already figured you out. you’re really the antichrist, aren’t you?
wow, I clicked this thinking “well, a chance to show off my cool uni arty thing I did in illustrator! yay!”
and get a nazi thread. huh.
kinda sad, actually.
oh you can still show off your art if you want! I think tylercox, the antichrist, would actually like to get this thread back on track…