unicycle design

I just downloaded this cool program Google Sketchup that lets you create objects in 3d REALLY FAST and really easy.

I thought it would be fun to see how easy it would be to create a accurate unicycle model. I think it went pretty well.

check it out.

Also what do you think of my crown design?

that’s really cool!

i like the frame because it’s really unique :stuck_out_tongue:


Looks eccentric.

Cool 3D drawings! The fork stands look very good for standup skills, but bad for your knees. They would likely get in the way for normal and seat in front type riding. What about something like a big (2"?) ring around the base of the seat tube?

I have Sketchup 5. It’s a great program. Google definately knows what to buy. Have you used the google earth plugin?

thats really cool but i agree i think it would get in the way alot … and it would hurt :frowning: but it would be sweet to fabricate and try for sure! oh and where did you get that program from?

i’ve used google Earth at school. its pretty cool! You can go anywhere u want in the world and it show the exact buildings and stuff in 3D!

thats cool!!
i like it but, those foot platforms look like they would hurt the knees… but they would be awsome for stand up stuff.!!!

I don’t think they would get in the way, I designed them to stick out the same as the points on a normal square crown uni. In any case it was really fun to design.

Here is a muni a friend and i made in Autodesk Inventer.

Assembly3.bmp (546 KB)

Ours is just a rip off of the KH crown design .:slight_smile:

Assembly2.bmp (968 KB)

Google Earth is really cool, but you should use it with sketchup. Google bought sketchup so that you can use both programs together to build things in sketchup and put them in google earth to show things like landscaping for a house or a new building and such.
Autodesk inventor kicks ass as well, and it’s more accurate than sketchup but harder to use. But for people like me: the harder the challenge, the more fun you have.

I like that frame idea! MY foot always slips off my kh frame when I do standup WW:(

Awesome program!

woah yeah, this sketch up program’s pretty neat, and fun to play with

did you make that?

Woah pete, that’s awesome. Has anyone made a uni like that yet (I think I have read about it being discussed).

its a cool program, but some of it is hard to use, like how do you place a frame onto a wheel?