Unicycle Dancing

Hey, I want to start making a routine for unicycle dancing to different songs so I can not only entertain myself, but others. I have a 5 ft. giraffe. Any thoughts of what I can do, and even what is possible? I want to do chill songs with semi-slow beats. Nothing that’s like intense, because I’m bound to slip up if I get caught up in my actions!

Also, I’m curious as to if I should get sealed bearings for the 5 ft long necker if I’m going to be hopping a lot, and if hopping up and down is necessarily alright on a giraffe or if I’m going to wear it out?

Thanks for the replies in advance!

Flowy freestyle moves. http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/The_Unicyclopedia/Freestyle

Ride bckwrds, 1 foot, side ride, spins (tight circles), still stand, 1 foot idle.

Some things can’t be done on a giraffe (like ww) or are kind of sketchy.

I’d say it be best to do a bunch of stuff on a 20", then do some things on the giraffe.

I saw a stage performance where the guy was doing things on a 20, then an assistant brought out different unis (different hieght giraffs, and an UW) at first he looked at her and the uni in shock that she expected him to ride it, then he acts like well I’ll give it a shot, then does tons of amazing things on it.