Rochelle hosted the Midwest Regional Unicycle Competition last Spring and we had the patches below made up to give to the attendees. We have a limited number left over, namely ten patches, that we would like you to have if you collect miscellaneous unicycle stuff like this.
If you’d like one, please send me an email (so I can keep track of the tens of thousands of requests that come in) and I’ll send you my address. Then all we request is that you send us a self-addressed, stamped envelope and we’ll mail one out to you. It’s that simple.
In order to be as authentic as possible, please note that we specially made the unicycle seat seafoam green.
I’d love to do a swap for one or two of those patches. I’m a patch / badge collector in a fairly big way ( 280 on my blanket at the last count) Would you consider doing a swap for a Union of UK Unicyclists patch? Will you be at Unicon, we could trade then, or I could pop one in the post.
Not able to e-mail today as I’m between ISPs!
Re: Unicycle Competition Patches for the Serious Uni Collector
Hey, just found another sixteen patches. I was pretty sure we had more around somewhere but couldn’t find them. But they were right where I left them…wherever that was.
If you’d like one for a collection or to just have one, send me a PM or email me at yoopers at inwave1 dot com.