Unicycle christmas card

I’ve just found a christmas card with a unicycling penguin ( actully on a muni giraffe on ice!). It is being sold by the Charity Christmas card people in the UK ( the ones that take over a church hall or a shop for a couple of months and sell cards for loads of charities, red father christmas logo) on behalf on the 1959 group of charities.

So if your lucky you might find some too.

Thanks Sarah, I’ll keep an eye out.

I’m surprised nobody on here’s designed any yet…

(sow the seeds…:wink: )

Xmas stuff

I’m doing a Christmas card now. I’tll replace the greeting card on this site:

There’s some Xmas tree ornaments and such. Check 'em out.

Unicycle Christmas cards

OkeeDokee, just in time for your Christmas card mailing (you know you haven’t mailed them out yet) Here’s some Unicycle Christmas cards:

Re: Unicycle christmas card

On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 10:45:46 -0600, “s7ev0” wrote:

>I’m surprised nobody on here’s designed any yet…

We make our own new year cards every year, and about 3 years ago had
one featuring a snowman blending into a unicycle.

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

“Deflating pi does not reduce calories, it just concentrates them. - billham”

Unicycle Christmas cards

Do you have one to scan and post here? Sounds pretty cool.

oooh that charity thing was at the hall here a little while ago, wonder if they’re still there…

Re: Xmas stuff

I have tried to access the cafepress site several times. The different pages start to load then I get a browser message that says The page cannot be displayed. This makes it difficult to shop and does not give me a warm and fuzzy feeling about typing in my credit card info.

trouble with the cafepress…

I don’t blame you, I’d be leery of a malfunctioning connection, too. I don’t get trouble out of it when I try, though. Don’t know what to tell you. I use Mac, and don’t get some of the problems people on ‘real’ PCs get. I get totally different problems.

Hope you can get it to work, though. I don’t wanna be the only guy sending out unicycle cards this season.


Re: Unicycle christmas card

On Sat, 27 Nov 2004 06:26:36 -0600, “Kayote” wrote:

>Do you have one to scan and post here? Sounds pretty cool.

If you’re talking to me: no, not handy (I think I have one somewhere).
But to give you an idea: it was a folded cardboard (thick paper) card.
The front displayed a drawing of a traditional snowman made out of
three (or two?) large snowballs. There was a circular cutout just
within the circumference of the lower ball, so you could see part of
the drawing on the inside (i.e. some lines radiating from the middle
and other junk that seemed just random) without being able to tell
what it was. Folding the card open, they were spokes in the wheel of a
unicycle, and cranks with pedals, and part of a fork. Thus the lower
snowball changed into a unicycle wheel. And the text (in Dutch) Here’s
to a balanced 2002! The inside of the card is depicted at the top of
my page <http://www.xs4all.nl/~klaasbil/rsu2001.htm> which I made at
about the same time.

There’s another one at
<http://www.unicycling.com/winteruni/96icetree.htm>. And John Foss
makes (or at least used to make) a unicycling Christmas card every

Klaas Bil - Newsgroup Addict

“Deflating pi does not reduce calories, it just concentrates them. - billham”

Re: Re: Xmas stuff

This site set off my Firewall alert.

This site attempts to use ‘server’ rights on users computers.

I denied access rights, and the page didnt load properly for me either.

This site has something they are ‘hiding’.
There is no reason they need server rights.

Sent complaints to CafePress

I’ve sent off a complaint to cafepress and asked what they can do about it. I won’t pretend to be savvy enough to know what server rights are, so I copied and pasted both messages in my email to them. Sorry they’re not playing nice, hope they can make it better.

On a lighter note, Klaas Bil’s Christmas card sounds mighty slick with the die-cut and all. Y’ourght to reprint 'em!


I did unicycle-related holiday cards from 1981-1998 or so. After that it was “me & Jacquie” cards, usually without unicycles. See my old card collection here:


Sorry, but to see the larger images of the cards you’ll have to go here, and click on the filenames (minus the “t”):

Doffs trilby in respect

They are great cards, John!

I can see I’m going to have to get busy…

So why no more unicycle cards?

Excellent cards! I’m kicking myself that I didn’t use a wreath for a wheel on Santa’s sleigh in my card this year.


CefePress speaks…

Just got this from CafePress. Help me out and let me know any problems you have with their site and I’ll pass the word back to 'em. I kinda like being able to post my unicycle ideas for sale, but not if they can’t actually be sold. Gimme details and I’ll fire 'em back to CafePress. Y’all.



> Hi Greg,
> I was fowarded your email, and I would like to know a little more
> information about this error message. From what I understand, it wasn’t
> you that was experiencing this problem, right? There shouldn’t be
> anything on our site that requires “server rights” - you should be able
> to disallow it, and the site should still load fine. Perhaps you can
> give me the email of the person who was experiencing these problems, and
> I can contact them directly. We have not had any complaints like this,
> and I can only assume that the computer was possibly infected with
> spyware or adware that was trying to run.
> As a side note, I really like your designs, and I would like to possibly
> feature your Christmas cards on our Holiday Gift Center in the Sports
> section.
> http://www.cafepress.com/gifts/sports/

> Please let me know how I can help with the “server rights” issue.
> Sincerely,
> Jenny Cu
> CafePress.com
> Online Marketing Specialist
> 510.877.1576

Re: CafePress speaks…

I found a computer that works with the web site. I got my order in.

Glad to hear it. Don’t hesitate to tell 'em that you had trouble if you get the chance, though. Thanks very much.


Richard, your stuff was completed yesterday, according to the wildly elaborate report system that Cafepress has. I don’t know how fast they ship once the things are made, but I’m guessing it’ll all be there in plenty of time for every holiday you’d like to celebrate: Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, Eid, Agnostica, Winter Solstice…

Anybody got any others? I love wishing people a whole list of possibilities. Do the Hindu celebrate anything this time of year?

I propose we celebrate Unimas. Any takers? It involves riding a 26" wheel around a dirt trail until you fall off and thank the Earth just for being there to break your fall, if not your Ulna.

What do you think?

Happy Unimas, anyway.


everything previously ordered is shipping…

Thought I’d let everyone know that all the orders have been ‘completed’ according to Cafepress- Victor in BC, your order ought to be shipping shortly. Hope everyone enjoys their shirts and clocks and cards and such. It was a hell of a lot of fun doing the designs.

If anyone doesn’t already have your Christmas cards, get 'em while they’re hot! I’d still like to afford a new set of cranks, Thanks!