Unicycle car wash

I saw these on Tumblr and I was wondering if anyone knew where it is from

Wow, that was surprising.

I think the above is a clip from the complete video which is here -

Also, it looks like they are riding 12" and 16" unis.

These guys have been watching too many of Unigeezer’s shopping videos. :smiley:

just why?

There seems to be occasionally consistency with Unicyclists like these two giving our passion a bad image?

Am i the only one seeing more stupidity unwelcomed here than skill or enjoyment for others to safely watch or be in proximity too?

Kris riding a Uni on the edge of a high bridge or hitting North Shore is a little crazy but not anything stupid given hes skill and belief. Most of all he never puts others inside hes potential crash zone or risk putting others at risk of injury in any way.
Clowns ride unicycles in the circus, to me these guys and alike dont even belong there sorry.

This is sad. Sorry to be negative about this but really what are they trying to achieve. Put Unicycling on the map sure but there is a right way about doing it I dont think i view this coming anywhere near close to being it.

Im seeing too many clips now like this that the general public are viewing, majority wont be appreciative. If you think these riders are funny please have a look at yourself and consider how you want to been seen and weather other riders appreciate being portrayed in these ways.

Is there a need for inappropriate Unicycling?

tasmania, I agree, this is stupid. It’s only after someone like this gets killed that suddenly everyone else points out how stupid it is.

The good news is someone would also have to be stupid to judge an entire sport based on seeing such a video.

And oddly enough, people will probably search for this video and find a bunch of other uni videos. Some might realize it’s a serious sport and get into it! Wishful thinking perhaps.

Or they look for retarded ones… That’s what will happen.

Please don’t use the R word.

In England, there used to be a club called the IOU. Stood for Idiots On Unicycles. These two blokes may never have heard of it, but they sure got the general idea. :slight_smile:

These two riders don’t know the difference between obnoxious and funny. England pioneered the football (soccer) hooligan. Perhaps we are witnessing the rise of the unicycle hooligan?

Why, would it be R rated? :roll_eyes:

Are you serious here? These guys are retards, and that’s a nice name compared to some other ones that could be posted here.

These guys rode in a mall and were being disruptive and retarded in an annoying way.

Terry rode through an empty home depot. He wasn’t causing any problems and Home Depot is a pretty good store choice for riding through. It wouldn’t surprise me if he knows the people who work there. It was just to have a little fun, not to be stupid.

Whereas criticism may be justified in this case, the suggestion is that the term “retard” should not be used, purely out of respect for those who genuinely have such mental issues, together with their friends and families, some of which may even participate in this forum.


They may be idiots, or hooligans, or whatever, but they aren’t that.

The choice to be offensive or not, starts when you know what offends. That’s not necessarily the best link on the topic; there are others that might explain it better. The R-word is no less offensive than the N-word to the people it affects, and the people around them. The choice to use it or not is yours.

I wouldn’t use it in context where it would be likely to offend someone, but in this case I don’t think it’s a problem. Also note that this video is offensive to me.

But how do you know it’s not a problem? How can you know whether I’m handicapped or not? I could very well be, and find the term incredibly offensive. Just remember what happens when you assume.

What is offensive about the video? If people doing stupid things is offensive, don’t turn on the news :astonished: .

Unicycling has had a bad name for years, this doesn’t help our image, but it also doesn’t hurt it.

We’ll all be clowns until the end of time…

Yep. The reality is that 2-3% of the population have intellectual disabilities. so one really has to be aware of how far their voice travels. Someone with a disability may not be within earshot, but with 100k members in a public forum, the chances of not being heard by someone with an intellectually disabled family member, friend or co-worker are damn near zero.

As for car wash… what can I say. I’m no saint. I laughed.

+1 about not using the “R” word. I know no one was trying to be offensive plus there are other more accurate and descriptive terms to string together.

Really a bad example and dangerous to tempt fate with power equipment like a spinning car wash and a unicycle.

I’m pretty sure what they were doing is illegal also, but for my part, I am glad they made a “clean getaway” : )

Some people have real problems that are genetic and some kids just get a rough start and are just brought up pushing the envelope.


Not to single you out or anything, but I found this post a bit funny.

Things that offend people are highly individual, it varies from person to person. It’s ironic that you chose to lean on one person for using a word they may not find offensive and then later call into question why they took offense to a behavior where you see no problem at all. The comedy of life.

I guess the comeback to that one, if it were a contest or something, would be… If people using the r-word is offensive don’t go browsing message boards on the internet. :astonished: :wink:

I’m not trying to be difficult… it just comes naturally. :stuck_out_tongue: I try to make an effort not to offend or to easily take offense. It makes life simpler.

Darn, ya got me. Looks like I contradicted myself once again… :roll_eyes:

Carry on good people.