Unicycle braceletes

Does anyone know if they have come out with those livestrong style braceletes that say unicycle???

Re: Unicycle braceletes

I boought some Black ones at NAUCC that say “Who Needs Two Wheels?”

I wanted to get some black MUNI MILITIA ones made up, but it was going to cost me $1000 to get 1000 of them.


I would buy a million of those!

Re: Re: Unicycle braceletes

Do you know if those are still available and from whom?

Yeah seriously

you can get them made on here


Re: Re: Unicycle braceletes

how fun!! I’m sick of the livestrong and their copycats, but I’d buy this one!

Just some random kid hawking his wares. I’ll see if I can find out what Club they were from. I bought five, still have two in the packaging.