Unicycle basketball

I’ve read about unicycle basketball, seems like it’s great fun. My only problem is finding people too play it with…

But never mind about that. I have a question though.
Is there unicycle street basketball? And is there teams hwo ride on giraffes instead of normal unis?

  • Orange

wow, that’s really stupid…

What’s stupid?

Anyway, there’s no ‘street unicycle basketball’ teams. What I think would be fun is to have one rider on each team be on a giraffe, and the rest be on normal unicycles.

how bout we all jsut have a fucking unicycle death match

Godd idea. :slight_smile:
I’m rather in to this basketball thing. I’m teaching two of my friends to ride and they’vesaid that when they’re better they’ll make a little team together with me. I’m so happy. :slight_smile:

Good idea, I like your optimism.

I passed the basket ball unit in PE class on a unicycle. I bet my teacher I could do it, he said I couldn’t because I wasn’t coordinated enough. I showed him. I only got pushed down a couple of times.

i’ve always liked the idea of the umpires being on giraffes

or the coaches